Building a Burger

Hey Yorky, I just watched this video, and thought immediately of you. The Burger Show is one of my favorite YouTube shows. This one features three regulars on the show, a Burger Scholar, a chef/restauranteur, and Kenji -- not sure how to classify him.


Burger history, man. Not the history of chilis.

Tell me you wouldn't want to get paid for traveling all over to eat burgers. That's my dream job.


The only burger that I've eaten in the United States was in a diner a little north of Galveston. It was plain, toasted bun, no cheese, but a very generous layer of sliced pickled jalapeños. It was excellent. I've never been able to replicate it. Maybe it's my memory?
The only burger that I've eaten in the United States was in a diner a little north of Galveston. It was plain, toasted bun, no cheese, but a very generous layer of sliced pickled jalapeños. It was excellent. I've never been able to replicate it. Maybe it's my memory?

Burgers in the US are as varied as there are people in the US. That's why I introduced you to The Burger Show on YouTube. I travel a lot, and I've eaten a lot of burgers from local burger joints, and have had a lot of, "You do what" moments.

I just assumed you shared my adventurous nature with burgers. Maybe I was wrong.

I just assumed you shared my adventurous nature with burgers. Maybe I was wrong.


Not really adventurous. I just like making my own. We don't have many "burger joints" around here and the ones that we do have insist on using buns with 6%+ sugar content. Far too much for me.
Burgers in the US are as varied as there are people in the US. That's why I introduced you to The Burger Show on YouTube. I travel a lot, and I've eaten a lot of burgers from local burger joints, and have had a lot of, "You do what" moments.

I just assumed you shared my adventurous nature with burgers. Maybe I was wrong.


This place is one of the very few local places for burgers. The contents of the burger are not bad but the buns are sweet.

Mr. Burger Bang

I did remember that the pork patties already had red chillis in them..... but just to be on the safe side I added a few green ones into the build.

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