Recipe "Dry" Potato and Cauliflower Curry

Again, just use the report button in future. If i want already reading this that, I would never have known. But normally you can do it yourself. Did you get an error message?

No error message. Just that nothing happened. It wasn't important anyway.

I found this slightly newer picture of the subject matter although this one had peas added.

They still look green in places!!!
I think the white balance is out. It can change things dramatically. The green of the peas is slightly off as well. I'll play tomorrow afternoon with the picture and see if I can compensate for the white balance. When taken indoors or on flash canons awb is not always very good. One reason I don't shoot in jpeg unless the picture is something like an electricity meter reading!

@Yorky You can change the white balance on a raw file and on my eos 5d mk ii and my powershot G7X both will hold plenty of raw files on their cards. The 5dii over 1000 on a 32gb card and the G7X over 250 on an 8gb card (which is tiny by today's standards really). A 600D should be able to hold a reasonable number on the sd card range it talents given it is an 18megabyte pixel camera. It will take up to a 512gb card so good thousands of raw files (SD 2GB, SDHC 32GB, SDXC 512GB) on a single card. My G7X is a 20 megapixel camera and typically produces file sizes of around 5-7mb per file, sometimes 8Mb if there is a lot of information in the picture (full histogram range on all 4 RBG, R, B & G). Canon also do an excellent piece of raw conversion software which came free with the camera and is in fact all I use. My website is the dot com of my username for a few older landscape pictures of mine.
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I have noticed that using the replacement lense which I bought recently, the images produced have a slight red tinge even though they were taken indoors with white ceiling bounced flash. I must look into this and conduct some experiments.
I've just taken two shots with identical camera settings (1/125; f11; ISO 200) with both the 18mm end of the new replacement lens (18 - 55) and the other with the 18mm of another lens (10 - 18). Both using AWB and ceiling bounced flash and I can see no difference.

lense comparison.jpg

I shall experiment further later.
Same camera settings, 10-18 mm lens, white balance set to "flash".

honey 10-18 M WB.jpg
white balance comparison.jpg

White balance - Auto .............................. White balance - Flash
To me, there is a very slight difference to them and the right hand one looks better.
But I would much prefer to play with a RAW file. Also Canon is notorious for making things redder than they are. Nokia makes things bluer!
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