Recipe "Dry" Potato and Cauliflower Curry

I was about to take a few representative shots with the 50 mm prime outside using available (cloudy) daylight but the heavens opened and I had to do a runner. I thought I'd designed the stoep to protect me from the rain but when it's horizontal......
To me, there is a very slight difference to them and the right hand one looks better.
But I would much prefer to play with a RAW file. Also Canon is notorious for making things redder than they are. Nokia makes things bluer!

Would a sub-forum on food photography promote interest?
Would a sub-forum on food photography promote interest?
Maybe, but right now I would really like people to post in the Food in the News category first and @morning glory isn't that keen on writing anything about it because she feels she can't do it/explain what she does and whilst I know an awful lot about photography, what I know is landscape photography not indoor or food photography. Food presentation isn't something I am good at!
Maybe, but right now I would really like people to post in the Food in the News category first and @morning glory isn't that keen on writing anything about it because she feels she can't do it/explain what she does and whilst I know an awful lot about photography, what I know is landscape photography not indoor or food photography. Food presentation isn't something I am good at!
I can explain what I do but what I do is mainly food styling (creating composition and atmosphere) and using the Mac tools for enhancing photos. At the moment I shoot everything in daylight as it undoubtedly gives bests results (preferably bright but overcast). I use the automatic setting on my camera (its a Pentax) and never use a flash. I do have some LED lights which I've used a few times to enhance daylight but I'm not entirely happy with the results.

Most of my images are way too dark to begin with but I can mess about post-production until they look OK. I really should start using manual settings so I can get longer exposures (especially as the light is so poor in winter). But that will require a tripod and I will then need an extension arm to shoot overhead. I don't have either. I'm impatient and really more interested in food styling and cooking and post-production! I have said that I'll write something about basic food photography - but it will be very much aimed at novices using their smart phones. Now here's the problem. I don't own a smart phone (although I intend to get one soon).

What we really need to do is encourage more people here to take photos of their food and to take good clear pictures with some thought about the lighting, food styling, background and angle. Really basic stuff. I am trying to work on something at that level. I think too much technical stuff will frighten them off! There are plenty of good websites out there which go into food photography in more depth.
@Yorky - if you have some of those Kalonji seeds left, perhaps the easiest thing to do would be to cook the dish again and report back!

I have plenty left; the problem is that cauliflowers are difficult to obtain at present. I shall see what I can do.
I was about to take a few representative shots with the 50 mm prime outside using available (cloudy) daylight but the heavens opened and I had to do a runner. I thought I'd designed the stoep to protect me from the rain but when it's horizontal......

OK, got a couple this morning 2 hours after daybreak. On the left is the shot with AWB, the right it is set to "shade". Both shots with the 50mm prime, 1/160th; f 4.5; ISO 400.

wb comparison.jpg

Even my eyes can tell the difference between those. BTW, the background paper is pale yellow slightly darker than the right image shows.
I use the automatic setting on my camera (its a Pentax) and never use a flash.

Up until earlier this year I was always reluctant to use flash even with the old SLR. However, the quality and versatility of the new units has come on leaps and bounds since my SLR days (and the price reflects this). I only use mine "on camera" if I'm out and about, the rest of the time it's positioned remotely and wirelessly fired. The unit can be set by the camera (± 3 stops exposure compensation and power settings from full to 1/16th). I also have a state-of-the-art diffuser to "soften" the light when not bouncing it.

Canon EX II with diffuser.jpg
Unfortunately no cauliflower in the market yesterday nor in the supermarket today.
That's akin to making fish and chips without fish!
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