Favorite food/cooking aromas?

I love the smell of coffee. Whenever I'm preparing my coffee pods I always smell the ground coffee straight from the jar 😍
That's funny, when I use the last of the canister of coffee, I don't fill it up and I let my husband be the one to remove the seal from the fresh can so he can get the strong whiff. It's a joyful thing!
Yeah, pretty much everything I am cooking I love to smell in the house. Except broccoli (my youngest daughter says it smells like farts) and like Windigo said, fish. Fish odor in the air is much worse the next day, though.
Another one for sizzling onion. And garlic.

Fresh herbs. Fresh tomatoes. Freshly baked bread. The smell when peeling oranges (so the smell from the oil in the skin). Cinnamon. Freshly ground coffee.

The smell of the roast being cooked on Sunday morning when I was a child. The smell of a roast still takes me back.
My kids normally walk In the door on a Sunday and go, wow. Smells gooood.
I love coriander/ cilantro rubbed on my hands. And basil from the garden.

My kids normally walk In the door on a Sunday and go, wow. Smells gooood.
I love coriander/ cilantro rubbed on my hands. And basil from the garden.

Ooh! I love the smell of garlic, fresh Thyme, Rosemary, Lavender in my hands ... not all at once mind you!
I love coriander/ cilantro
That might be my favorite herb to smell. It’s unbelievably bright and fresh. To me, it’s the embodiment of “clean.”

anyone here like oatmeal cookies?
Yeah, those are my favorite cookies, and I get irritated when I read articles that slag them off!

I think I mentioned it before, but I worked in a cookie factory for a few months, and the smell was just incredible. No matter what was being made, the overwhelming smell was oatmeal-brown sugar-cinnamon. It was like working inside a giant bowl of your morning oatmeal!
That might be my favorite herb to smell. It’s unbelievably bright and fresh. To me, it’s the embodiment of “clean.”

Yeah, those are my favorite cookies, and I get irritated when I read articles that slag them off!

I think I mentioned it before, but I worked in a cookie factory for a few months, and the smell was just incredible. No matter what was being made, the overwhelming smell was oatmeal-brown sugar-cinnamon. It was like working inside a giant bowl of your morning oatmeal!
I used to work down the road from a factory that when a wind blew a certain way all you could smell was worcester aka worst ever sauce.
I was in heaven

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