
Well, I suppose I am old. But I can't think of anything which interests me which could be termed an older person's interests.
It’s more that some of the things that interest you wouldn’t necessarily interest another generation and if they do it’s often not in the same way.

Preferences for ways of dressing, music, television, decor and even the way we/they approach life is different.

Even something like cooking. They way we get our information, the sources or platforms we use (forums or TikTok etc), the food trends we’re more likely to enjoy and share are not the same.
I have a mountainous book case of much loved cook books- now that is old!

I dunno I think there’s a general resistance to embracing anything viewed as OLD so people immediately reject the idea that anything to do with them or their way of being is old.
Old sometimes gets used as an insult when it should be elevated.
In my book old is good. You made it, congratulations 😂

I don’t want to go to a party and listen to the music a 20 year old enjoys, I want to hear the good stuff, the old stuff and discuss the merits of vol au vents or how cool the original Batman series was with folk who actually lived it.

Huzzah for old 😊
With respect to this conversation, “older person’s interests” to us is defined as, “Anything that interests us that also forbids anyone under 55 partaking.” :laugh:

That really is what it comes down to. Of course, allowances are made for kids/grandkids visiting, but some places are quite restrictive that way. Where my in-laws lived, any visitors had to be registered with the front office, could stay no longer than two weeks, and had to be accompanied by a resident if using any of the park facilities, like the pool, and they came down hard on anyone who violated that.

What we’re looking at isn’t nearly that restrictive, due to the location.
Right on 😂

Apart from the slightly prison sounding edge to it I’m liking the sound of rules and other people protecting me against lengthy relative stays ❤️
Right on 😂

Apart from the slightly prison sounding edge to it I’m liking the sound of rules and other people protecting me against lengthy relative stays ❤️
It’s not prison-sounding at all…if you’re the old one. In that case, you’re the guard! :laugh:

Seriously, I don’t know how it’s not been found discriminatory against the young’uns, but it’s not, and they’re building 55+ communities all over the place now.

Then again, I’ve gone to mens’ salons for my hair-cutting needs for years, no women allowed, as far as clients go. I’d think that’d be as illegal as hell these days. They let girls in the Boy Scouts and Hooters has to hire men, fer cryin’ out loud! :laugh:
Preferences for ways of dressing, music, television, decor and even the way we/they approach life is different.

Hmm.. I use TikTok, I like all sorts of music including that liked by my kids. Decor? My son liked my new dining chairs so much that he wanted them himself (mid century modern). Dressing? I love young fashion. I wear it too... if it fits!
Hmm.. I use TikTok, I like all sorts of music including that liked by my kids. Decor? My son liked my new dining chairs so much that he wanted them himself (mid century modern). Dressing? I love young fashion. I wear it too... if it fits!
Yeah, and that’s fine…now imagine enjoying all that with no one under 55 around, that’s what makes it something for us more mature folks!
Hmm.. I use TikTok, I like all sorts of music including that liked by my kids. Decor? My son liked my new dining chairs so much that he wanted them himself (mid century modern). Dressing? I love young fashion. I wear it too... if it fits!
I too use TikTok, like many genres of music and have my sons coveting things I’ve bought but still there are differences. Like all other younguns they’d rather spend time with their own gen. A young person who hangs around with old peeps is considered a bit odd cos we’re not the same, we’re different, we’re old!
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Yeah, and that’s fine…now imagine enjoying all that with no one under 55 around, that’s what makes it something for us more mature folks!

OK. I will spend Xmas day with young people. No problem. I probably wouldn't want to go to a big party of young people but that is nothing new. I never liked big parties when I was young. I wouldn't want to go to a big party of old people either. I would hate to be in a community of older folk.

Off topic. A new 'generation' topic needed!
I would hate to be in a community of older folk.
It’s not an all-or-nothing thing, though. Living in one of those places means we can still go out into the wider world, go to all the mixed-ages parties and events we want, but when we’re home, we’re back in a community of 55’s and older, so a very slim chance of hearing the neighbor’s newborn crying, no chance of kids with all their kid stuff playing in the street, riding their bikes through the yards, all that. Chances are, it’ll be calmer, quieter, and I won’t have to wonder how to respond to some kid randomly saying, “Skibidi rizz mood, you know what I mean, Pops?!”

It’ll be our safe space! :laugh:
Hmm.. I use TikTok, I like all sorts of music including that liked by my kids.
I don’t use Tik Tok. But I get along famously with my kids, nephew, and my DH's younger cousins (all 30 somethings) and we enjoy hanging out together. We go listen to my youngest daughter's husband's heavy metal band when they are playing locally. Great fun!
Wifes currently looking at a smaller home for us. No stairs this time. No old folks home as we love entertaining with friends. And that gets loud with laughing etc. I would like to die in my home.

Yeah, and that’s fine…now imagine enjoying all that with no one under 55 around, that’s what makes it something for us more mature folks!

No thanks. I really don't want to be surrounded by older folk. One of the things I like about living on my busy street is watching all the different generations of people coming and going. There is always something to see.

I know that isn't quite the same but if I lived in a 55 plus community I would miss it very much.
Thinking of where we live now, it’s a 24-house rural development. How would it be different if we were designated 55+?

1. No school bus visits. Not a big deal because our development is one dead-end stretch, but if we were a larger community with interconnected roads, it would be an annoyance.

2. No backyard playground equipment. Personally, those things are an eyesore, and there are a few in our neighborhood.

3. No general (what I like to call) kindercrap littering up the front yards and driveways.

4. No kids on bikes or on foot cutting through my yard or playing in my driveway (used to be a problem until a few of the offending families moved away).

5. No bored 20-something kid home from university mindlessly riding his motorcycle at full throttle up and down the road, up and down, back and forth, over and over, usually popping wheelies half the time, and utterly destroying the serenity of a typical afternoon.
I think that sums it up.
Some people like to see the hustle n bustle of life and some would rather have peace n quiet!
Different strokes for different folks.

I’m not so keen on people feeling like they have to justify why they prefer either.
Personally I like both.
I love being next to the sea in Salobreńa. This bank holiday weekend all the youngsters have sashayed to the beach for lunch and dinner in tight clothes full of laughter n fun ready for high jinx. I love to see that happiness.

But when they’re still in party mode at 2am and I can’t park near my door - or like the last time a whole car full of teens picked up the rear of my bike with the steering lock still on and shunted it round (to squeeze their car in) they can doooo one!
They mean no harm they’re just being young and lively but…
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