Forum GOD!
It’s more that some of the things that interest you wouldn’t necessarily interest another generation and if they do it’s often not in the same way.Well, I suppose I am old. But I can't think of anything which interests me which could be termed an older person's interests.
Preferences for ways of dressing, music, television, decor and even the way we/they approach life is different.
Even something like cooking. They way we get our information, the sources or platforms we use (forums or TikTok etc), the food trends we’re more likely to enjoy and share are not the same.
I have a mountainous book case of much loved cook books- now that is old!
I dunno I think there’s a general resistance to embracing anything viewed as OLD so people immediately reject the idea that anything to do with them or their way of being is old.
Old sometimes gets used as an insult when it should be elevated.
In my book old is good. You made it, congratulations

I don’t want to go to a party and listen to the music a 20 year old enjoys, I want to hear the good stuff, the old stuff and discuss the merits of vol au vents or how cool the original Batman series was with folk who actually lived it.
Huzzah for old