Interesting and I also know and like Irvine Welsh. "The skag.The other woman who can not be resisted."
And it reminds me of when I took a creative writing course about 5 years ago. I approached this course with the intent to write short stories and one day publish them (they are still drafts, alas) and my approach to it was quite light. Instead I struggled and discovered things that I did not imagine ... the analysis of texts for books, stories as well as the analysis of theatrical scripts and films, brought me to another dimension. The book I wanted to analyze was F. Dostoevskij's "Letters on Creativity" (which I have always adored) and his exploration of the mystery of man.
Just today I received a whatsapp from a friend who it should been a bit lazy about communication...It was funny enough, she "wrote" to me only with Emoticons. A sort of childish challenge. But at some stage she sent me a series of them and I didn't know what other kind of Emoticons to use. I apologized to her writing "sorry if I write to a text, I've finished Emoticons". She replied:
What about you with Emoticons?
What about you with Emoticons?
I'm OK with them but usually as 'add ons' not as a replacement for text. I love words too much for that.