If I were to guess, I'd say it's because your country did such a phenomenal job with containing the outbreak, and maybe Ms. Ardern is less motivated to fight with other countries where the need is more urgent.
That's an excellent point an one that gets missed a lot. We (the world) are approaching this problem (like we do everything else) with an "Each country must take care of itself" attitude, which, the more connected the world gets, is more and more dangerous.
Herd immunity means herd immunity around the world, and it's not going to get completely under control if, say, the US and all the other First World countries do a bang-up job at vaccinating, but we leave the Third World to fend largely for itself. This is one of those things where, IMO, the vaccine needs to go where the virus is the most out of control, and that's how you stop it in its tracks.
In a broader sense, it's why things like Brexit bother me so much, because I think ultimately, we do better as a whole when we band together and stop thinking in old-fashioned nation-state terms, and start thinking in one-world terms, with the goal being, what's good for the planet as a whole, not what's good for me in my locale/state/province/country. Yeah, you might have to lose a little locally, but if it helps everyone as a whole, it'll pay off down the line.
Ok, off my crazy liberal soapbox.