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U.S. Calls for Pause on Johnson & Johnson Vaccine After Clotting Cases

U.S. Calls for Pause on Johnson & Johnson Vaccine After Clotting Cases
Like the AZ issue it looks like pre-menopause women are most at risk, which is no surprise as it is based on the same technology. Worth remembering that the contraceptive pill has Thrombosis rates 10 times higher than that seen with these vaccines. I hope they can get to the bottom of the problem soon to regain confidence.
Like the AZ issue it looks like pre-menopause women are most at risk, which is no surprise as it is based on the same technology. Worth remembering that the contraceptive pill has Thrombosis rates 10 times higher than that seen with these vaccines. I hope they can get to the bottom of the problem soon to regain confidence.
This is going to hurt J&J's bottom line.

- couldn't deliver the doses promised
- empty vials
- formula mixed incorrectly (had to discard 15M doses)
- vax stations shut down in CO (and another state
- serious complication (blood clots)

While I'm sure the appeal of their vax is that it's one dose instead of two, that becomes irrelevant if it brings a whole slew of problems with it. Many people are already hesitant about getting a vaccine that some believe may have not been tested as thoroughly due to the need to get it out to the public. This isn't helping to curb those anxieties.
The 2-stage vaccines have the wonderful characteristic of being ~70% effective after the first dose. Instead of getting 1 million people fully vaccinated, you can get 2 million people ~70% vaccinated, and really start to slow down the spread. I would rather have 100% of the population 50% vaccinated than 50% of the population 100% vaccinated.
I agree absolutely! Because its only once you reach a certain level of vaccination that you can really start to suppress community transmission.

Like the AZ issue it looks like pre-menopause women are most at risk, which is no surprise as it is based on the same technology. Worth remembering that the contraceptive pill has Thrombosis rates 10 times higher than that seen with these vaccines. I hope they can get to the bottom of the problem soon to regain confidence.
Its funny isn't it.....although the thrombosis risk with the pill has been known for years and is one of the most serious side effects, no-one has ever suggested it should be withdrawn did they? Instead it was left to doctors to assess risk factors and move patients to (slightly) less risky formulations if necessary.

Speaking as a pre-menopause woman who's just had the AZ vaccine ....I have very few concerns, the potential benefits far outweigh the potential risks.
Its funny isn't it.....although the thrombosis risk with the pill has been known for years and is one of the most serious side effects, no-one has ever suggested it should be withdrawn did they? Instead it was left to doctors to assess risk factors and move patients to (slightly) less risky formulations if necessary.

The distribution of the Johnson & Johnson has been paused because there were 6 cases of people who experienced blood clots after receiving the vaccine. This is not a good thing, of course, but that's 6 out of 6.8 million doses. Less than 1 instance in a million has this issue, and they're pausing distribution of a potentially life-saving cure. People who are anti-vaccine will point to this as evidence of how dangerous vaccines are...while ignoring how exponentially more dangerous the thing is that the vaccine seeks to cure.

Let's do the math:

1 in 1,100,000 who get the Johnson and Johnson vaccine will get a life threatening blood clot
1 in 50 people who don't get the Johnson and Johnson vaccine will die from COVID

What am I missing here?
The distribution of the Johnson & Johnson has been paused because there were 6 cases of people who experienced blood clots after receiving the vaccine. This is not a good thing, of course, but that's 6 out of 6.8 million doses. Less than 1 instance in a million has this issue, and they're pausing distribution of a potentially life-saving cure. People who are anti-vaccine will point to this as evidence of how dangerous vaccines are...while ignoring how exponentially more dangerous the thing is that the vaccine seeks to cure.

Let's do the math:

1 in 1,100,000 who get the Johnson and Johnson vaccine will get a life threatening blood clot
1 in 50 people who don't get the Johnson and Johnson vaccine will die from COVID

What am I missing here?
Risk is something people often have problem understanding (especially when backed by alarmist headlines). As I noted before, in the UK 200 people a year die from falling down stairs, 40 a year choke to death on their breakfast cereal, 10 a year die from putting on their socks. Whilst others buy a lottery ticket with odds of 120,000,000 to 1 and absolutely believe they are going to win.
That's good to hear.

However, our government isn't reliable at all.

Right now the target of 3 million vaccinations has not been reached in 3 months, and everything is delayed, delayed and delayed again. Why would the giving of the second vaccine not be delayed for ages? There's a million vaccines going unused because the government wants to have something as a backup, and 3 million doses of Astrazenaca are now going to be given to only 40% of the planning.

What I, and other vulnerable groups am going to get is still unclear. When I will get it is also unclear. And we've just heard that they're likely to bypass the priotisinging of at risk groups now, because going by age category is 'more efficient' which could mean I will only get my second shot somewhere in september and my first in maybe, the end of july. This while I would be vaccinated last week. AND we don't get to choose to go on a list for spare vaccines like Astrazenaca, as the government refuses to let actual doctors prioritise people.

So.. that's why all this is no solution. Especially when they are talking about opening up the economy by the end of this month. If all at risk groups are still going to be unprotected by then, the hospitals will definitely reach their breaking point. And I would possibly be among the victims of those choices.

It boggles my mind that a modern Western nation like the Netherlands hasn't reached 3-million shots yet. In the US, we are averaging over 3-million shots per day.

The distribution of the Johnson & Johnson has been paused because there were 6 cases of people who experienced blood clots after receiving the vaccine. This is not a good thing, of course, but that's 6 out of 6.8 million doses. Less than 1 instance in a million has this issue, and they're pausing distribution of a potentially life-saving cure. People who are anti-vaccine will point to this as evidence of how dangerous vaccines are...while ignoring how exponentially more dangerous the thing is that the vaccine seeks to cure.

Let's do the math:

1 in 1,100,000 who get the Johnson and Johnson vaccine will get a life threatening blood clot
1 in 50 people who don't get the Johnson and Johnson vaccine will die from COVID

What am I missing here?

The other thing is that they could simply not use the J&J vaccine on higher risk people. We have three approved vaccines, currently. Just use one of the other two for people in the risk category. No reason to pause the vaccines, altogether (I just had an Airplane flashback, LOL).

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I was trying to recall all of the vaccinations I've had in my life and it proved an impossible task. I had all those ones you get as a child and a whole load of them over a couple of years for hay fever when I was about 12/13. I had something like 13 jabs before I went to work in Eritrea, plus a couple of boosters when I got there, then another few before going to Ghana and Ethiopia. Add to that a flu jab and the first Covid one recently and that makes...erm, an awful lot.

As you can see, none of this has had any effect whatsoever on my faculties:

The other thing is that they could simply not use the J&J vaccine on higher risk people. We have three approved vaccines, currently. Just use one of the other two for people in the risk category. No reason to pause the vaccines, altogether (I just had an Airplane flashback, LOL).


Yes...that's a big part of it. If Johnson & Johnson had the only vaccine, they would study it while they continued to administer it. But, we do have a bit of a luxury now (at least in the States), which is a good place to be.
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