That's good to hear.
However, our government isn't reliable at all.
Right now the target of 3 million vaccinations has not been reached in 3 months, and everything is delayed, delayed and delayed again. Why would the giving of the second vaccine not be delayed for ages? There's a million vaccines going unused because the government wants to have something as a backup, and 3 million doses of Astrazenaca are now going to be given to only 40% of the planning.
What I, and other vulnerable groups am going to get is still unclear. When I will get it is also unclear. And we've just heard that they're likely to bypass the priotisinging of at risk groups now, because going by age category is 'more efficient' which could mean I will only get my second shot somewhere in september and my first in maybe, the end of july. This while I would be vaccinated last week. AND we don't get to choose to go on a list for spare vaccines like Astrazenaca, as the government refuses to let actual doctors prioritise people.
So.. that's why all this is no solution. Especially when they are talking about opening up the economy by the end of this month. If all at risk groups are still going to be unprotected by then, the hospitals will definitely reach their breaking point. And I would possibly be among the victims of those choices.