Good points for sure.
he was also vaccinated, twice. He got Covid last week.
I can't find any evidence for this. As garlichead quotes above - any meaningful comparison looks at the percentage of the population dying (not total numbers of people dying) and the population in 1918 was significantly lower than today.
Good points for sure.
We've had restrictions in restaurants from the very beginning, the most restrictive actually. No restrictions don't make much sense, if that's true.....Texas has no restrictions wow. Even Sweden had some restrictions.And, as a resident of the Great, totally unrestricted State of Texas, the Ontario restrictions are better than NO restrictions.
We've had restrictions in restaurants from the very beginning, the most restrictive actually. No restrictions don't make much sense, if that's true.....Texas has no restrictions wow. Even Sweden had some restrictions.
What is there argument, they must have one. Ok, so vaccinations and masks are not required but can teachers and students wear masks or get vaccinated if they want?Zero. In fact, public schools in Texas are even prohibited by Executive Order to require vaccinations or masks for teachers or students.
Well, actually, individual businesses can require masks, but not vaccines (that will be going to court before long). Hospitals can also require masks, but can not require vaccines for employees (again, see ya' in court, Governor).
What is there argument, they must have one. Ok, so vaccinations and masks are not required but can teachers and students wear masks or get vaccinated if they want?
A woman was reported to have died from covid-19 after being fully vacinated!!! How in the world does THAT happen?!!!!![]()
Right ok. Only freedom, that's it? How many children have died in Texas 17 and under of covid?Yes, they can. The argument is "personal freedom." It is all political. "Don't tell me what to do with MY body -- unless I'm a woman, and... you can fill in the blanks on that.
One problem with no mask mandates in schools is that children don't have the maturity to make that personal decision, and the parents won't be there to make it for them when they are in school The kids will go with peer pressure.
The argument from MOST people in Texas is that, because a minority of Texans are anti-vax and anti-mask, we all have to go back to wearing masks, not going to restaurants to protect ourselves, and protect the unvaccinated from the spread of this new Delta variant that is killing them, and filling up Texas hospital beds.
Right ok. Only freedom, that's it? How many children have died in Texas 17 and under of covid?