So, when sitting at the table they can remove their masks to eat and I'd imagine converse with their friends while eating and I'd suspect that the table didn't allow 6 feet between diners, that would be one big table. So they don't seem have a problem with that situation, which could very well spell illness for their son but have a problem walking to their table without a mask? Devils advocate.(CNN) A Texas couple who landed themselves a rare night out with friends says it was cut short when the restaurant kicked them out for wearing face masks, which they say they wore to protect their immunocompromised 4-month-old son.
Natalie Wester and her husband, Jose Lopez-Guerrero, joined a group of friends at a restaurant and bar in Rowlett, about 20 miles northeast of Dallas, on September 10.
"We are new parents and in the middle of a pandemic, we don't really get out a whole lot," Wester told CNN. "But that Friday night, my mom happened to be available to watch our son. ... Living in a pandemic, being isolated and away from others is a big deal for our mental and social health."
Their infant has cystic fibrosis, they said, so they have taken precautions to stay safe and do what's best for their family, and that includes wearing a face mask in public except when drinking or eating.