How is the corona virus affecting you?

Well, hopefully other Countries learn from what's going on in Israel lately.

UPDATE: Is Pfizer Vaccine to Blame for Israel’s High COVID Infection Rate?

Not sure quite what we should learn from this, interesting though it may be. Vaccines are effective against COVID causing very serious illness/death and that is what really matters. Yes, according to this article, maybe natural immunity is more effective than a vaccine at preventing spread of the virus. But if it was left to simply natural immunity I would more than likely be dead by now unless I had isolated completely for the last year and a half and foreseeable future.
Not sure quite what we should learn from this, interesting though it may be. Vaccines are effective against COVID causing very serious illness/death and that is what really matters. Yes, according to this article, maybe natural immunity is more effective than a vaccine at preventing spread of the virus. But if it was left to simply natural immunity I would more than likely be dead by now unless I had isolated completely for the last year and a half and foreseeable future.
The article has nothing to do with not vaccinating and goes on to repeatedly say that people should get vaccinated. I suspect most will not read between the lines especially politicians that countered this article by saying that vaccinations are vital in protecting people from the virus.

Israel was the first country to be mostly vaccinated back in March, and they were very proud of that fact and now most hospital ICU patients are from the fully vaccinated as are the deaths. The vaccines when they originally rolled out were said to give people about a 5 year protection window and then soon after it was less than a year and in Israel it appears it's more of a 4 to 5 month window. Also it has now come to light that after a single dose we should be in the 90's on a % basis for protection, which is very good considering this isn't an actual vaccine and just a mRNA. The problem apparently was the second dose would be administered 4 weeks later for extra protection, which apparently wasn't needed and should have been rolled out in 4 months or so but because the second stab was so close to the first rendered it redundant and now we're getting boosters instead of a delayed second shot. I won't get into the unavailability to other countries for a vaccine in the first place because of this miscalculation by the powers that be. So while it's nice to think just one death, especially our own is paramount a little more critical thinking needs to take place. We are going to go into another full lockdown this winter without a doubt and follow in Israel's footsteps when they opened everything pretty much only to end up where they are today. This time it will be the fully vaccinated that are dying. We need to understand and learn.

EDIT: About 1/3 of the vaccinated population have had a booster recently, which is essential.....good for them.
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Good news for the Thai tourist industry.


It will be interesting to see how welcome Chinese tourists are made, they didn't have many fans in the Thai hospitality industry before Wuhan apparently, they were certainly refused accommodation at the last hotel I stayed at.
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It appears we're basically going to have an endemic going forward which means we're all going to come into contact with the virus at some point in time and that was thought to be a given right from the start with some scientists and epidemiologists to whom I agreed with.

mRNA's were rolled out quite quickly and are essential in reducing the risk of infection by over 90% and helps minimize the effects of covid if a person was infected despite being vaccinated. It's slightly less effective for the delta but it's still works very well. In addition to the mRNA vaccines there are other precautions we can take to help our body's immune system. Personally I've been taking 5000 IU of vit. D3 and 15mg's of Zinc for over a year and I'm keeping hydrated as much as I can, actually a lot more than normal.

This winter I think is a crucial time in the pandemic in the USA more so than Canada with reference to the r value of infection and hospitalizations per day. We do get more hospitalizations when the r value is above 1. In the UK hospitalizations are going up and the vaccination rate is much higher than the USA. I generally look to the UK for comparison as NA is generally a few weeks to a month behind. The USA's unvaccinated population is a worry and I suspect that it's going to translate into much higher hospitalizations and deaths even though it looks like infections have been coming down for quite a while.

Anyway protect yourself as much as you can and I'll leave a link to Vit D and Zinc as it pertains to the immune system and covid.

Zinc, Vitamin D and Vitamin C: Perspectives for COVID-19 With a Focus on Physical Tissue Barrier Integrity

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I don't think it's over. I just peeked at the Johns Hopkins virus tracker site and the death toll in the USA was pretty high, even though articles claim the worse is over and the virus is declining in the USA. It may be declining a bit, but it is still running strong.

I will continue wearing a mask, no matter if they moderate the need or not. There are over 700K dead attributed to the virus in the USA alone. Some will argue that every death is being counted whether it was viral or not. But when hospitals are overrun with the sick, I think the figure is probably less than the truth.
It appears we're basically going to have an endemic going forward which means we're all going to come into contact with the virus at some point in time and that was thought to be a given right from the start with some scientists and epidemiologists to whom I agreed with.

mRNA's were rolled out quite quickly and are essential in reducing the risk of infection by over 90% and helps minimize the effects of covid if a person was infected despite being vaccinated. It's slightly less effective for the delta but it's still works very well. In addition to the mRNA vaccines there are other precautions we can take to help our body's immune system. Personally I've been taking 5000 IU of vit. D3 and 15mg's of Zinc for over a year and I'm keeping hydrated as much as I can, actually a lot more than normal.

This winter I think is a crucial time in the pandemic in the USA more so than Canada with reference to the r value of infection and hospitalizations per day. We do get more hospitalizations when the r value is above 1. In the UK hospitalizations are going up and the vaccination rate is much higher than the USA. I generally look to the UK for comparison as NA is generally a few weeks to a month behind. The USA's unvaccinated population is a worry and I suspect that it's going to translate into much higher hospitalizations and deaths even though it looks like infections have been coming down for quite a while.

Anyway protect yourself as much as you can and I'll leave a link to Vit D and Zinc as it pertains to the immune system and covid.

Zinc, Vitamin D and Vitamin C: Perspectives for COVID-19 With a Focus on Physical Tissue Barrier Integrity

Dr John Campbell has been a significant source of information for me right through this thing, everything he posts is researched and referenced. I have a lot of respect for the guy.
My head cold has gotten on to the later stages. The flooding runny sinuses have turned to that stage of gooey thick gunk and a bit of a nose bleed where the smell sensor is located in the nostrils. That always seems to be the way these sinus colds progress. But it takes so damn long to get rid of (about 3 weeks). And in the mean time, things are messy and cause difficulty breathing, even with the CPAP machine. The sinuses drain down into the bronchial area and collect there with a stickiness that makes it hard to clear out. My friend the terbutalene inhaler is getting more use than typical. And that goes for the fluticasone nasal spray too. I've had to order more of those too things than usual.

So now, we have three repeat viruses, common cold, flu and COVID. How wonderful?!
My head cold has gotten on to the later stages. The flooding runny sinuses have turned to that stage of gooey thick gunk and a bit of a nose bleed where the smell sensor is located in the nostrils. That always seems to be the way these sinus colds progress. But it takes so damn long to get rid of (about 3 weeks). And in the mean time, things are messy and cause difficulty breathing, even with the CPAP machine. The sinuses drain down into the bronchial area and collect there with a stickiness that makes it hard to clear out. My friend the terbutalene inhaler is getting more use than typical. And that goes for the fluticasone nasal spray too. I've had to order more of those too things than usual.

So now, we have three repeat viruses, common cold, flu and COVID. How wonderful?!

I too still have the flu, head cold. It’s coming up two weeks, very unusual for me. Oh well,Im still alive. No sign of it in the South Island yet we are still level 3. Bunch of clowns have no idea.

It appears the USA has a few data points that look encouraging. The 7 day rolling average for new infections are about 1/2 of what they were at the beginning of sept. 499 to 244 infections per million. What's interesting is the time of year which in the past start to show increases cases beginning with the end of summer. Last year the 7 day rolling average went from around 160 in the beginning of Sept. to 550 by the middle of November.

The other interesting data point is the r or reproductive rate. An r rate of 1 or less is indicative of waning infection and above that infection is immanent. Right now it's below 1 which is encouraging.

For comparison the UK 7 day average for infections are going up and the reproductive rate is above 1. Israel had a 7 day average a few weeks ago of a 1015 with a current 7 day rolling average of 160 and a reproductive rate well below 1, so that makes total sense. Maybe the US will continue on this decline. It's possible herd immunity has something to do with this. Fingers crossed.
I haven't looked at the rates in Texas, lately. The Governor is trying as hard as he can to help the virus along. His latest move was to ban vaccine mandates EVEN in private businesses. So far, several companies are defying the ban, and the Governor will eventually lose this fight in court. Several large school districts, including Dallas and Houston, have told him where to shove his executive order on no mask mandates. But, he can still count on Texas government employees to spread Covid for him.

have had my Covid shots, my annual flu shot, and I am not due for another pneumonia shot, yet -- they are good for five years.
Sounds like you are well protected. Let it be so.🍀
My boyfriend recently had Covid. He got out of quarantine on Saturday.

It is the closest so far,Covid got to my inner circle of people.

He managed fairly well, and is back to work. But post covid fatigue seems to be very annoying.
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