Crickets on killer T cells and B cells, not surprising.
Silence as far as I know

Maybe news coverage is better in the UK. I've seen the point made about T and B cells made several times here, by virologists on TV news programmes.
Crickets on killer T cells and B cells, not surprising.
Silence as far as I know
A big difference on your side of the pond in general and in Europe is the way gov'ts have rolled out information. some have been very transparent and some more than others no doubt. One of the main issues, trust. For example in NA natural immunity is a bad word, never spoken because the main goal is to vaccinate. Here we have vaccine passports and in many other countries they accept natural immunity as part of their passport, not here. Never mind the reason to vaccinate is to create antibodies along with T cells and B cells. Antibodies will always wane simply because that's what the body does to avoid the blood from thickening and causing problems further downstream. this isn't anything new and boosters was always in their program from the get go. The T cells and the B cells are the back up for immunity and can last for years, decades and for life depending on the particular disease that it's attached to. Yes a booster will add a little extra protection immediately that T cells might not but we're splitting hairs here. does it justify boosting everyone that's old enough to crawl, many don't think so. It's just frustrating that you really can't trust anything that comes out of the CDC, FDA or gov't. People are frustrated with the baby talk, the simple lets keep doing what we're doing and getting the same results. Hopefully omicron puts an end to it once and for all.I didn't know that expression, 'crickets'!
Maybe news coverage is better in the UK. I've seen the point made about T and B cells made several times here, by virologists on TV news programmes.
Can we have links to your sources please.I think I'm getting or hitting my limit for total misinformation or just old school bull.
NEWS FLASH: Pfizer CEO says we may need a 4th vaccine dose to combat the omicron variant.
In an earlier video "Pfizer says 3 shots neutralize omicron variant in early findings"
None of the vaccines have neutralized any variant to date (we can still get the virus and we can still transmit the virus) with 2500 deaths in England in the last month of double vaccinated people over 50 and Pfizer is apparently formulating a new vaccine specifically for the omicron which I suspect will be as effective.
Crickets on killer T cells and B cells, not surprising.
Here's an article exploring why people are refusing to get vaccinated, - article.
Just to explain it further...think of those quiet summer the middle of nowhere...all you'll hear are the crickets, and the saying alludes to that "it's so quiet, all I could hear were the crickets" feeling.What does 'crickets' mean?
Just a news feed that I read this morning. I used my browser with the quotes and got this.Can we have links to your sources please.
Right, the term was ' insulation' not ' isolation'. Sorry to hear you're in the same position.
Our house is 96 years old so drafts everywhere. Glad I've got my electric duvets, the gas bill is the problem, at least not the electricity bill as well.
i wish the crickets around here were quiet.
I used to laugh at this frequent Norm Abram saying on "This Old House," usually spoken after tearing into the structure of some house from 1790 or so: "They sure don't build 'em like they used to...thank god!"I guess it's a trade off. Old homes have character and and nostalgia. New homes may lack that, but have insulation, efficient heating, and double pane windows.