How is the corona virus affecting you?

The current president of the United States has mishandled the Corona virus situation so badly that it affects all citizens daily. The astonishing number of people who have's mind boggling. Many deaths could have been avoided and the economic impact will last for generations.
Some good news. The Pfizer vaccination programme began today in the UK . The first person to be vaccinated was 90 year old Margaret Keenan. Second in line was 81-year-old William Shakespeare from Warwickshire. Is he a descendent of the famous Will Shakespeare? Maybe - Warwickshire was after all, where Shakespeare lived.
Some good news. The Pfizer vaccination programme began today in the UK . The first person to be vaccinated was 90 year old Margaret Keenan. Second in line was 81-year-old William Shakespeare from Warwickshire. Is he a descendent of the famous Will Shakespeare? Maybe - Warwickshire was after all, where Shakespeare lived.
I was just reading about that. Awesome!
Some good news. The Pfizer vaccination programme began today in the UK . The first person to be vaccinated was 90 year old Margaret Keenan. Second in line was 81-year-old William Shakespeare from Warwickshire. Is he a descendent of the famous Will Shakespeare? Maybe - Warwickshire was after all, where Shakespeare lived.
I bet Bill's had a lifetime of, "Yeah, yeah, but what's your real name?"
I love this photograph of an immigrant Turkish family newly arrived in Germany.
Little did anyone know at the time that the handsome young man in the yellow shirt was destined for future greatness!
It’s rather ironic that a Turkish immigrant is credited with the discovery of the COVID19 vaccination, given the sentiment favoured by the Brexiters about Turkey, prior to the 2016 EU referendum !
Another spin-off effect of the whole situation is the excess of scams promising all sorts of things. I've read about quite a few, but hadn't experienced anything directly - until today.

There is indeed a Government support scheme for the self-employed, but not in the form of the email I received. It was pretty obvious; for one thing, you wouldn't get an email from any government department about these things. For another, the sender was "" which is clearly nothing to do with anything here. Thirdly, this drivel: "The money are set to land in your bank accounts within six working days of making the claim."

Most people, I'm sure, will recognise that this is rubbish, but sadly not everyone.
One of Sky News' big name presenters, Kay Burley, has been "punished" for breaking Covid rules (it was a birthday party that involved ten people). Her "punishment"? Six months off the air on full pay.

How do I go about getting a job with Sky?
Well Duckers to start with shaving your legs.
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This past Thursday, I participated in the Johnson and Johnson COVID vaccine trial. I’m not sure if I mentioned it before, but my wife participated in the Pfizer trial, and based on her reactions, I’m certain she received the vaccine. she had a massive headache after each of the two injections, as well as fatigue, and nausea.

Since I signed her up for that one, she kept signing me up for every trial she could find until I was accepted in one. It’s a different formulation, and we have different biologies, so my reaction was a bit different. In my case, I had a mild headache, lightheadedness, and a ringing in one of my ears that comes and goes. There are other explanations for all of these things, but it’s too much of a coincidence for them to occur after having the injection.

in both cases, we weren’t informed whether or not we had the vaccine or a placebo. We are still being as careful as we were before, but it’s a nice feeling that two people of a certain age may have gotten an early jump on the vaccinations that are just starting now.

Another cool bonus: we were paid to participate in the trial. I got $235 the day I visited, and I will be paid for each follow up appointment.

There are a surprising number of people who are against getting vaccines of any kind. we really need to get a 70% participation rate to rein in this pandemic. I think paying them to get the vaccine would be a nice incentive, but I doubt the federal government will do that.
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