Forum GOD!
I'm finally getting back into exercising. It sucks lol. Two of the last four days I have hit the gym and swam laps for exercise. Its a rough start, but I'm sure it will get better in a few weeks.
I'm finally getting back into exercising. It sucks lol. Two of the last four days I have hit the gym and swam laps for exercise. Its a rough start, but I'm sure it will get better in a few weeks.
Hit the pool again this morning. Third time this week. Its slowly getting better. I did make it 25 minutes today, whew.......This exercising thing is tough work lol
Well done! Swimming is fantastic exercise.
I took advantage of some late autumn afternoon warmth and did a quick 25km bike ride yesterday. Only the fourth time I've been on the bike since crashing early September. My legs are stiff this morning but I'm not surprised.
@Lullabelle … are you still running in the evenings? how will you cope when we lose an hour this weekend? can you run in the dark?
I got out of the habit of walking the dog every day during the hot weather. Some mornings it was far too hot for him even at first light, and of course the Sunday greyhound walks were all cancelled. We are getting back into the swing as far as greyhound walks are concerned, but both of us are knackered on Mondays and don't go out at all. Other days he just gets about 3/4 hour walking round the field a couple of hundred yards away from my house, but sometimes we get the bus down to one of the local parks (it's just a little too far to walk there and back as well).
My daughter said something that made me think the other day, she said it's cruel walking dogs in the heat. Their paws get burnt. I never thought of that before.
Ps, our friends have 2 rehomed dogs. They rule their lives,lol. John sits on the floor with them when they feed them, so the greedy one doesn't pinch the others. They were their racing dogs.