Friday! No plans except making supper. I doubt I'm leaving the house today at all.
And that's just fine.
And that's just fine.

Congrats on the good numbers and the cancer-free milestone!Mrs Blank just woke me to give me the good news I am cancer free for 5 yrs and the blood test results are excellent. Hows that for service, tested yesterday results today. I would keep an eye on my Urati if I knew were to find it. We would usually crack a bottle of Mumms C/R but I still feel Krapow.
Medicinsko biokemijski laboratorij Ordinacija: ALJINOVIĆ TINA Datum i vrijeme primitka uzorka: Datum validacije: 22.10.2020 10:44 22.10.2020 12:49 Dob: NALAZ MEDICINSKO - BIOKEMIJSKOG LABORATORIJA 69 Uzorak uzeo: TINA ALJINOVIĆ Liječnik : TINA ALJINOVIĆ LABORATORIJSKA HEMATOLOGIJA Rezultat Jedinica Ref.interval (K) Eritrociti 5.01 4.34 - 5.72 (K) Hemoglobin 162 g/L 138 - 175 (K) Hematokrit 0.484 L/L 0.415 - 0.530 (K) MCV 96.7 fL 83.0 - 97.2 (K) MCH 32.2 pg 27.4 - 33.9 (K) MCHC 334 g/L 320 - 345 (K) RDW 13.6 % 9.0 - 15.0 (K) Trombociti 289 158 - 424 (K) MPV 9.2 fL 6.8 - 10.4 (K) Leukociti 7.7 3.4 - 9.7 KLINIČKA BIOKEMIJA Rezultat Jedinica Ref.interval (S) Glukoza 5.8 mmol/L 4.4 - 6.4 (K) HBA1C 5.8 % < 6 (K) HBA1C 40 mmol/m ol < 42 (S) Kreatinin 68 µmol/L 64 - 104 (S) Urati 288 µmol/L 182 - 403 (S) ALT 25 U/L 12 - 48 (S) AST 20 U/L 11 - 38 (S) GGT 27 U/L 11 - 55 Biokemija - lipidi Rezultat Jedinica Ref.interval (S) Kolesterol 3.3 mmol/L < 5.0 (S) HDL-kolesterol 1.3 mmol/L > 1.0 (S) LDL-kolesterol 1.7 mmol/L < 3.0 (S) Trigliceridi 0.6 mmol/
Thank you Tasters mate. The other good news we got this morning arrived with our close friend Mladen. His relative the head of the traffic cops issued the crash report 5 weeks early. The woman driver has been charged with dangerous driving, they recommend a 2000 euro fine. They also recommend compensation for distress for Marina of 1200 euro. I will now instruct my solicitors Sue, Grabbitt and Runne to bring the sword of Damocles down on her Austrian insurers for physical and mental distress. Next week we will be off for a period of rehab. We each have the relevant prescription so the treatment is free. We fancy 3/4 days of full board HomeCongrats on the good numbers and the cancer-free milestone!
Kids came home for the weekend. I fried some tuna and baked cinnamon buns. It took two hours to tidy the kitchen and do the dishes, phew.
Mrs Blank just woke me to give me the good news I am cancer free for 5 yrs and the blood test results are excellent. Hows that for service, tested yesterday results today. I would keep an eye on my Urati if I knew were to find it. We would usually crack a bottle of Mumms C/R but I still feel Krapow.
Medicinsko biokemijski laboratorij Ordinacija: ALJINOVIĆ TINA Datum i vrijeme primitka uzorka: Datum validacije: 22.10.2020 10:44 22.10.2020 12:49 Dob: NALAZ MEDICINSKO - BIOKEMIJSKOG LABORATORIJA 69 Uzorak uzeo: TINA ALJINOVIĆ Liječnik : TINA ALJINOVIĆ LABORATORIJSKA HEMATOLOGIJA Rezultat Jedinica Ref.interval (K) Eritrociti 5.01 4.34 - 5.72 (K) Hemoglobin 162 g/L 138 - 175 (K) Hematokrit 0.484 L/L 0.415 - 0.530 (K) MCV 96.7 fL 83.0 - 97.2 (K) MCH 32.2 pg 27.4 - 33.9 (K) MCHC 334 g/L 320 - 345 (K) RDW 13.6 % 9.0 - 15.0 (K) Trombociti 289 158 - 424 (K) MPV 9.2 fL 6.8 - 10.4 (K) Leukociti 7.7 3.4 - 9.7 KLINIČKA BIOKEMIJA Rezultat Jedinica Ref.interval (S) Glukoza 5.8 mmol/L 4.4 - 6.4 (K) HBA1C 5.8 % < 6 (K) HBA1C 40 mmol/m ol < 42 (S) Kreatinin 68 µmol/L 64 - 104 (S) Urati 288 µmol/L 182 - 403 (S) ALT 25 U/L 12 - 48 (S) AST 20 U/L 11 - 38 (S) GGT 27 U/L 11 - 55 Biokemija - lipidi Rezultat Jedinica Ref.interval (S) Kolesterol 3.3 mmol/L < 5.0 (S) HDL-kolesterol 1.3 mmol/L > 1.0 (S) LDL-kolesterol 1.7 mmol/L < 3.0 (S) Trigliceridi 0.6 mmol/
One day, I'll tell the story about being newly-wed and my bride offering to clean the kitchen after I'd cooked supper.
One day, I'll tell the story about being newly-wed and my bride offering to clean the kitchen after I'd cooked supper.
I'll make it short, because it's late:I'm all ears, come on!!
I'll make it short, because it's late:
We'd been married (after dating/engaged for two years) just a couple months. I always got home from work before she did, and I knew when I married her that she wasn't much help around the house, and I already knew the basics of cooking, so I'd always start supper when I got home, and it would be ready when she walked in the door, and a little while after we'd eat, I'd pick up the kitchen, because I don't like mess lying around.
Well, one night, after eating, I started cleaning up, and she said, "You know, you always cook, so why don't you let me clean up for a change?"
"Yeah, that sounds fair, have at it."
"I just want to finish what I'm watching, I'll get to it after that."
You can see where this is headed, right? Later that night...
"Um...are you going to get to the dishes, or..."
"Oh, yeah, I forgot. Yeah, I'll do it before we go to bed."
Time for bed. Yep, kitchen still dirty.
"It's too late now, I'll get them in the morning before I go to work."
Now, I went into work before she did, so I figured/hoped they'd be done before I got home, but that wasn't to be. I got home the next night, and there they sat, untouched.
So I left them, and when she got home, I asked what was up.
"Oh, sorry, I was running behind this morning, and I didn't have time. Just leave them, and when we're done eating, I'll clean everything up then."
This went on for another day, and I finally got mad and started cleaning the kitchen. That got her mad, because she said I wasn't giving her a chance to get things cleaned on her schedule and insisted I stop cleaning and leave it to her, which she would most definitely do, for sure, at some point in the very near future, just not right now.
"Fine," I said, "but I'm not touching that kitchen, and every day you put it off, more for you to do when you finally get around to it!"
And that's what I did.
We went through our eight place settings of regular dishes. We went through our eight place settings of nice stoneware (wedding gift). We were eating out of mixing bowls, off platters. I ran out of cookware and started bringing food home each night, and it just piled higher and higher and higher.
There were dirty dishes piled in both sinks, on the countertop, crammed in the oven, and still she got huffy about it, "I'll get to them when I get to them."
Finally, after I couldn't put up with the smell the kitchen started to develop, I came home at lunch and washed everything and scrubbed down the kitchen.
What did she say when she got home?
"I told you not to do that, I was going to get to it eventually!"
And that's the last time she ever offered to clean the kitchen.![]()
Doggers mate are you as disappointed as I am ? I felt sure it would involve picking up dropped cutlery.Thanks for making that short.