Plans for today (2019-2022)

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What's different about a British calendar? There has to be something, just to confuse us Mercans. :laugh:

I just realized that you may have been asking a legitimate question, so pardon my smart-azz response. :)

By "British" calendar, I just meant that it's got photos of British scenes in it, you know, one for each month.

That said, though, I did order it from a U.K. travel magazine that she gets for work-related stuff, so it came from England, so its British in that sense as well. :laugh:
That said, though, I did order it from a U.K. travel magazine that she gets for work-related stuff, so it came from England, so its British in that sense as well. :laugh:

You know you are likely to find "printed in China" on the calendar, somewhere. :facepalm:

You know you are likely to find "printed in China" on the calendar, somewhere. :facepalm:

What?!?! You mean there isn't some little bespectacled grandfatherly figure, named Nigel or Humphrey or something like that, type-setting in the bowels of some Fleet Street office building? :laugh:

I'm an unabashed globalist, I know (sorta) how the world works. Perception is worth a lot, though, y'know? :)
What?!?! You mean there isn't some little bespectacled grandfatherly figure, named Nigel or Humphrey or something like that, setting in the bowels of some Fleet Street office building? :laugh:

I'm an unabashed globalist, I know (sorta) how the world works. Perception is worth a lot, though, y'know? :)

I'm hip to the "world economy," but still get dissapointed with some things. For example, if I ordered an authentic Scottish kilt for someone, all the way from a shop in Edinburgh, and it arrived with a tag that says, "Made in Bangladesh," I'd be a bit pissed off.

I'm hip to the "world economy," but still get dissapointed with some things. For example, if I ordered an authentic Scottish kilt for someone, all the way from a shop in Edinburgh, and it arrived with a tag that says, "Made in Bangladesh," I'd be a bit pissed off.

Well, that you should be. And you definitely need to watch out for that. We were in Germany years ago, and I bought a German dress hat at a trachten shop in Munich, and MrsT decided she wanted one, so she went over to a display and picked one out.

Mine...made in Germany. Hers...made in China. Hers was cheaper, which should have been the dead giveaway, but she didn't think about it at the time.
I'm car related too, picking up friend later, we like going to new Asian or Indian warehouses to go through items. Cars going in at 2pm for new heater hoses. I will have a loan car for a while. Then pick up another mate and pub for a beer. The still my friend dropped off yesterday will be given back. My wife refuses to have a still here. She's adamant, I'm not arguing,lol
Then home to make a burger with tastys bun.

Seems that everything is printed, made & sold in China & other countries, even washers, dryers, fridges & stoves!! Everything, just about, has been outsouced to China & other countries!!!! 😡

You can still get Made in the USA major appliances. My washer, dryer and fridge were all made here. All three received high scores from Consumer Reports, which sealed the deal, for me.

What?!?! You mean there isn't some little bespectacled grandfatherly figure, named Nigel or Humphrey or something like that, type-setting in the bowels of some Fleet Street office building? :laugh:

I'm an unabashed globalist, I know (sorta) how the world works. Perception is worth a lot, though, y'know? :)
Hmph. Just tell me about the "authentic Tibetan yak wool stoles" I ordered for everybody for Christmas for 30€ a piece...
They're pretty with fine, woven patterns. They're warm(ish). They smell okay. They have a nice (acrylic) shine. The fibre burns to <bleeping> black plastic when tested over the sink. They have a nice tag with "100% Tibetan Yak Wool" so I go for it. These probably came from India, Bangladesh or China but when I wrap myself in one of the blankets I can feel the breeze of the Himalayas. The breeze of the Singaporean profiteer driving down the road in his brand new Land Rover. Sometimes I just waggle the white flag of pure vainglory and skimpiness.
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