Semi-frustrating morning today.
I took the modem/router in because, whilst I was happily connected, my wife couldn't connect and nor could anyone else.
When I bought the thing 3 years ago, the bloke that installed it changed the password for me, to make it a bit easier than typing in a 14 digit, Upper case, lower case hieryoglyphic. When I re - configured the thing a week ago, I asked the tech if it was the same password (the one on the bottom of the modem) and he said " Yeah! Sure! See? Your cellphone is working fine". Ahhh, but it wasn't like that!!
Anyway - all connected now.
The trip to the telephone company (where we've got a landline that hasn't worked for 6 months and an internet connection that gave up the ghost 15 days ago) wasn't so fruitful. After waiting for over an hour, I finally got to see the "Commercial Advisor". Made the complaint and she said " ahh, but there's an outstanding debit on your account". I paid the bill last week, I said. "Oh, the outstanding debit isn't included on the bill. And I can't fix your landline / internet account unless you're fully paid up"