Plans for today (2023)

Finished the task for today (clearing out the clutter corner behind our kitchen appliances) and so now I’ve got the rest of the day to do whatever I want. I’ll work in my cross-stitch, maybe play video games. This evening I’m heading to the barn to see the horsey.

Currently sitting on the couch patting the purring cat on my lap.
About to have a cuppa then out to buy biscuits, xmas booze to last over the break. Wrap grandkids cash In xmas paper. I'm giving them $20 ea to spend over xmas.
Air con is on as it's really hot. High of 28?
Check my list for xmas day for last minute stuff.

Did what I had planned.
Clean up the front of the house and remove all the weeds, rubbish, leaves, etc.
Went down to the city to pick up some nice cheese for Christmas:
(Clockwise from top right) Irish Cheddar, French St Angel, Shropshire blue, Stilton and Brie de Meaux.
Stopped by the Lebanese place and bought some Moroccan olives, some Kalamata olives, some hot peppers and some pickled turnips .
Then bought myself a bottle of single malt.
Now I've got a language class with Miami.
Christmas Cheese.jpg
Heading back to Blighty in a few hours time.
Lots of fun had.
Lots of cleaning and tidying to do.
Oddly looking forward to returning home even with a huge job list.

Possibly because I really enjoy Christmas cooking or… possibly because I haven’t informed the dysfunctional side of the family I’ll be back 😈
Semi-frustrating morning today.
I took the modem/router in because, whilst I was happily connected, my wife couldn't connect and nor could anyone else.
When I bought the thing 3 years ago, the bloke that installed it changed the password for me, to make it a bit easier than typing in a 14 digit, Upper case, lower case hieryoglyphic. When I re - configured the thing a week ago, I asked the tech if it was the same password (the one on the bottom of the modem) and he said " Yeah! Sure! See? Your cellphone is working fine". Ahhh, but it wasn't like that!!
Anyway - all connected now.
The trip to the telephone company (where we've got a landline that hasn't worked for 6 months and an internet connection that gave up the ghost 15 days ago) wasn't so fruitful. After waiting for over an hour, I finally got to see the "Commercial Advisor". Made the complaint and she said " ahh, but there's an outstanding debit on your account". I paid the bill last week, I said. "Oh, the outstanding debit isn't included on the bill. And I can't fix your landline / internet account unless you're fully paid up" :hyper: :hyper:
I found half a brick of cream cheese buried in one the drawers in the `fridge - not wanting it to go to waste, I've soft some butter and I'll make some frosting and freeze it for later, when I make cupcakes to take to Bingo in the future.
I cleaned up our hallway table today as my task for the day (it tends to be a bit of a dumping ground for mail and the like). I also sustained 2 debilitating paper cuts to the index finger of my dominant hand. However will I cope…?

By watching tonight’s football game, that’s how.
Task for today was purging/organizing the top shelf of my closet where I keep all my t-shirts. I discovered I have far too many t-shirts.

I did put aside several to donate, and then organized them all so they’re easier to sort through and find the one I want.

Now the rest of the day to do what I want! Cross-stitch and video games are on the agenda.
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