I believe I’ll be wrapping Christmas gifts today.
You didn't have them wrapped in August? Slacker!
I believe I’ll be wrapping Christmas gifts today.
I was really off this year, I don’t know why. I’m going to hear it from three nieces, because I always send them each something, and this year…You didn't have them wrapped in August? Slacker!
I am trying to call friends of the family today, and I don't know some of the phone numbers. No problem, there is the internet, right?
I can't get correct numbers, unless I pay some website 10 bucks. The "free" sites have wrong numbers. I kid you not, I entered my own name and city on a search, and the search results were wrong numbers -- phone numbers that I NEVER had. Obviously, there is a cabal of web sites that will not let you have any "accurate" phone numbers unless you give them a credit card number, and if you are lucky, you will get a real number, and won't find that $10,000 has been charged to your credit card, and the bank will not cover the fraud because you gave someone your CC number.
I'm just certain that some of those sites are owned by Donald Trump, our future dictator.
We were just talking about this yesterday about landlines. Our granddaughter has her cell removed for back answering. We dropped her off yesterday to her home. She had a 2hr wait til parents got home.
2 hrs with no phone I felt uneasy dropping her off with mo phone.
And I haven't seen a phone book In years.
Guess what I was doing in the city?Making my third attempt at going into the office. Friday, I had car trouble, and yesterday, I had a surprise 8AM-10AM meeting.
I also need to stop along the way and get some stocking stuffers for MrsT.
I have had to go through archives and boxes of old photos for pictures to be used for dad's memorial service next week. That was a lengthy chore, but it's done.
Forgive me but I missed where your dad passed?
Condolences from my family to yours.
Flat tyre first thing in the morning. Opened the boot - no car jack or anything. Stolen.
Called 7 people. All occupied or out of Caracas.
Finally, the next door neighbour responded. Put the spare on and said: " That doesn't look good to me"
Nor to me, but it got me to the mechanics. Fixed the flat tyre and said: " That doesn't look good to me "
Nor to me, so went to the Tyre Centre and got a new one. $100 later, went to the supermarket . Wheels were making a funny noise. Front suspension problems.
Got home and the wife whining and moaning about the internet connection. I said " it's the phone company, I've already told you that".
No, no, no, no, no it's something else, so called the Internet tech.
An hour later, he said " It's the phone company. I told you that last time I was here"
$40 later, I still hadn't had any breakfast. I've just eaten and now I'm going to sit outside, smoke a nice stogie and do sweet Fanny Adams.
PS. Just as I wrote this, there was a power cut. Light has just returned. Sat down with the wife & son outside, in candlelight, had a scotch, everything fine.![]()