“No problem, I’ll just add you again.” - Provided my full name, phone number, address, email address for the 43rd time…”Cannot add, computer says customer already exists. Display customer?” - clicked Yes - “Computer says no…” - another 45 minutes while she called their IT department to figure that out, but I was finally able to purchase the mower.
I had that exact same thing happen a few weeks ago on one of my online account logins. I entered my username and password, and it said "invalid username or password." I tried to reset the password, and it said "username does not exist." So, I tried to add myself again, using the same username, and it said "username already in use."

BTW, I knew that was a 1994 pickup before you mentioned the age. I had a 1992 version, and there was one minor difference on the front end of the 1994 model.