Champions League football today, so that'll occupy my afternoon.
This morning? Nothing special
This morning? Nothing special
You've just reminded me, I need to photo the pink dressing down and flip flops my mother asked me to hang on to after they returned to the UK from their covid stranding in Australia... I've offered to return them to her in the UK next month given she won't now be returning to Australia due to the stroke & pacemaker...Oh $100 out under a pot for gardener
Today's plan includes going back to bed for some more sleep. We had a busy day yesterday and I'm still getting over the adrenal crisis from 2 weeks ago. Yes, it takes that long.
So after all of yesterday which I'll write up later, I'm planning on a quietish day, but I need to cook an evening meal as well.
And I've got a test knit to get finished this weekend as well.
Keep cool, it’s a little hot out there.Striking outside my work all day.
Yea, I don't do well in the heat.Keep cool, it’s a little hot out there.
What is the strike about? Apologies for my ignorance if its in the news but US news isn't well covered here. In the UK we have lots of strikes going on lately.Striking outside my work all day.
Whatever is in the news is most likely a lie.What is the strike about? Apologies for my ignorance if its in the news but US news isn't well covered here. In the UK we have lots of strikes going on lately.
Also we want our COLA back,
Understood! That is one reason for the doctors strikes here.