Not sure what my plans are. I've got an interview relating to my database assignment tomorrow. My partner in that one is about 3 days off giving birth, so I'm on my own with it now.
Later it is the penultimate class in the database course 5-7pm.
I had to given a group presentation via teams today online for another course. That takes coordinating I can tell you. Only one of you can present at any one time, and given my satellite connection its better I don't present at all... so I have to rely on the presentation screen being out of my line of sight and be reading from my copy of the presentation whilst my partner keeps up with me changing the slides and doing the laser pointer for me

I'm so glad we had 3 run throughs beforehand because first time around took some figuring out as to what would work... 2nd time round was sorting words out and 3rd time round was timing it so we stuck to the time limit for the real thing. Oh and there's a requirement that you all present for a minimum of 1 minute each...
Hubby is on food duty tomorrow.
And next week is another interview regarding the only individual assignment I've had this trimester. I will actually have to go and look at the assignment to remind myself what I did!