Plans for today (2025)

Nice and sunny here now, but we’re expecting another 10 cm of snow later today!

I’m currently on my way to the office - bit worried about the commute home. The trains have been terribly unreliable with winter weather lately (this is Canada, you’d think they’d expect snow and plan for it, but alas…)
Plumbers are here to fix the leak and have no records from the last repair regarding pipe and fitting sizes. I *detest* ineptitude and a lack of preparedness at others expense. When they've completed the repair they're fired, permanently.

Plumbing isn't like building a space shuttle; the Roman's were doing it a couple thousand years ago.

Pippi needs more turkey so a deli run it is! 🦃
The car broke down. This time, it really broke down. One of the pistons is so damaged, it looks like someone went at it with a pickaxe.
Consequently, we're going to have to re-do the motor completely. The motor, the pistons, all the odd little things that go with that, filters, water pump, oil pump, belt... it's looking like $2000 +. I've just rung around for some quotes here and there.
Looks like I'm going to have to work nights...
The car broke down. This time, it really broke down. One of the pistons is so damaged, it looks like someone went at it with a pickaxe.
Consequently, we're going to have to re-do the motor completely. The motor, the pistons, all the odd little things that go with that, filters, water pump, oil pump, belt... it's looking like $2000 +. I've just rung around for some quotes here and there.
Looks like I'm going to have to work nights...
Is it worth fixing? I don't know anything about Venezuela, but what are the car buying opportunities like there?
Is it worth fixing? I don't know anything about Venezuela, but what are the car buying opportunities like there?
Most cars on the street seem to be about 15 years old, or more, thanks to you-know-who closing down Toyota, Chrysler, Ford, etc. You can actually buy a used car in the USA and have it shipped... it works out about triple the price. the oligarchs and the govt. boot lickers all go around in brand new SUVs.
My only option is to get it fixed. My mechanic is a genuinely honest bloke, and has even found an (used) engine in good condition, which can be "rectified" (is that the right word?) , including the crankshaft and the camshaft.
I'm still going to have to work nights...
Most cars on the street seem to be about 15 years old, or more, thanks to you-know-who closing down Toyota, Chrysler, Ford, etc. You can actually buy a used car in the USA and have it shipped... it works out about triple the price. the oligarchs and the govt. boot lickers all go around in brand new SUVs.
My only option is to get it fixed. My mechanic is a genuinely honest bloke, and has even found an (used) engine in good condition, which can be "rectified" (is that the right word?) , including the crankshaft and the camshaft.
I'm still going to have to work nights...
I'm so sorry to hear that. Well if you are working nights cooking, at least it's something you enjoy that reaps the rewards of many compliments!
The car broke down. This time, it really broke down. One of the pistons is so damaged, it looks like someone went at it with a pickaxe.
Consequently, we're going to have to re-do the motor completely. The motor, the pistons, all the odd little things that go with that, filters, water pump, oil pump, belt... it's looking like $2000 +. I've just rung around for some quotes here and there.
Looks like I'm going to have to work nights...
So my query would be what ruined the piston??? They're connected to the crankshaft and have rings around them so they're not supposed to touch *much*.
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