SF is also known as jack the peeler for his proficiency in peeling oranges which can be corroborated by his presence every Saturday at the Borough Market in London.
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The weird thing was just last week!
Sticky Fingers donated the zipper on the first copy of The Rolling Stones album of the same name...hence the title.
TR told the truth on that one
caseydog has the world's 16th largest collection of Barbie dolls. He specialises in 'Twist 'N Turn Waist' Barbie dolls.
I thought that was a known fact...Security cameras recorded Morning Glory eating mass quantities of sweets and chocolates
But that's true! Well, at least an Englishman, not European...TastyReuben, a European stuck inside an American body.
Especially on the ponies.Rascal's religious beliefs don't allow him to drink or gamble.
I knew someone would address the fact that I don't follow recipes very well (,or rules I suppose). I was just getting ready to start an epic fail thread regarding my Christmas cookies.JAS_OH1 completely gets the hang of this game, as clearly demonstrated in the last THREE posts.
Or at least, that was on his wish list for Santa.@caseydog knows how to measure and fit women for bras.