Preparing for Christmas

This is what I ended up picking up for my folks for Christmas, from Hickory Farms:


Not much, but it was annoying getting just that much. 😠

First, technically, my parents don’t celebrate Christmas, so it has to be a “We saw this and thought of you,” kind of thing.

Second, both my brother and my sis, who are the two most in the know with their day-to-day needs, have said not to buy them any clothes, knickknacks, or anything like that, because their room is full.

We’ve always gotten my folks a big basket from Harry & David, with pears and caramel corn, butter cookies, chocolates, nuts, etc, so we thought we were in the clear.

I talked to my sis while I was walking around Hickory Farms: “Can they have cheese and beef sausage and crackers?”

“No, they can’t slice that and the crackers might stick in their throats.”


“No, sticks to their teeth…no, some of those are too chewy and some are too hard…no, they can’t eat nuts…”

Over and over, everything was dismissed.

Finally, I grabbed the melty mints, which I know they like, and the little petite fours, and snapped, “This what they’re getting! If they can’t bite into a soft piece of cake, then smash it up for them! I’m done!”
Christmas Day menu set:

Standing rib roast
Oven-baked rösti cake
Cider-braised red cabbage
Nutty green beans
Yorkshire puds
Pumpkin pie
Christmas pud (from the store)
Mulled port jellies
Cranberry sangria

Plus the usual cheese, crackers, sweet-hot nuts, pickles, and olives.
I've got absolutely no idea what we're doing for Christmas Day yet, and I doubt that I will until about December 20th. We might just do a Traditional English Xmas Lunch this year; will have to see.
I did actually pull the Xmas Tree Box from the garage shelves on Friday. I will only be able to move it into the house with some help!
I’ll have New Year’s Day worked out by the end of the week. :wink:

Good, because Valentines day is just around the corner, and Easter will be here before you are ready if you don't get busy now.

And, there's only 394 days until Christmas 2024!!!

What are you doing here. Shouldn't you be planning for all of this??? :hyper:

House across the road has trimmed up , walked past quite a few houses this morning that are festive. Sorry..too early for me.

I've see a lot of decorated houses here in Houston. A lot more than I saw leaving Frisco last week. Most of what I have seen here was professionally installed. Those decorations have a certain style that is easy to spot. Every one is pretty much the same.

I've see a lot of decorated houses here in Houston. A lot more than I saw leaving Frisco last week. Most of what I have seen here was professionally installed. Those decorations have a certain style that is easy to spot. Every one is pretty much the same.


I rather like trees in people's houses, unique to each family.
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