Show me your breakfast

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know them exceptionally well and have taken to making my own over here! My husband can take them or leave them but prefers them served with an Indian curry inside them!
Ironically the best place for Oatcakes is the little spar up in the Westlands in n/c. they sell the best oatcakes of all, High Lane oatcakes (who are over in Burslem). I forget the name of the road the spar/premiere is on, but it is the one that runs from n/c to Keele, but before you get to the Thistleberry pub before the keele roundabout at the bottom of Keele Bank.
I will search them out the next time I am up there. I am often in Stoke on business, and drive through Newcastle to get there. There are one of those wonderfully versatile foods that work equally well with both sweet and savoury fillings. We used to eat them with a full English breakfast, but as you say, they are a perfect stand in for pathias,wraps, enchiladas or simply spread with butter and syrup. Now I'm really getting hungry.
Except for we use sugar and a little oil, almost identical recipes.
Oh and instead of self raising/rising flour I add the baking powder myself.
Same cooking process too.
these tend to get their sweetness from the additions. Often they are eaten hot with butter alone. Today we had them with just maple syrup because we hadn't been shopping yesterday and were pretty much out of everything. We were over at a friends yesterday taking our spare rooster over to her for her to pass on to a friend. My hubby asked me on the way out how many we were coming home with! I answered as only I can with my friend - "I have no idea". We came home with 6 pullets that are on the point of lay! So much for reducing the flock numbers!
My most recent breakfast (about 12 or 14 hours ago?) was a couple handfuls of baby salad greens mixed into a couple of lightly scrambled eggs, then topped with must-go goat cheese. Toasted up the end bits (or were they the beginning bits, since they were from the start of a loaf?) of rye toast to use as egg pushers.
My most recent breakfast (about 12 or 14 hours ago?) was a couple handfuls of baby salad greens mixed into a couple of lightly scrambled eggs, then topped with must-go goat cheese. Toasted up the end bits (or were they the beginning bits, since they were from the start of a loaf?) of rye toast to use as egg pushers.
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We call the end bits of bread heels.
Technically, these weren't the heels since there was no crust wrapped around the bottom. Just the smaller pieces from a loaf of bread that tapers down.
This was my Sunday morning breakfast


They weren't incredibly small eggs. The spoon is a grapefruit spoon; the serrated edges make it easier to lop the tops off the eggs.
My preference is for savoury breakfasts unless porridge with brown sugar & cinnamon is called for.

I love mushrooms panfried in butter, seasoned with garlic salt, toss in spinach, serve on grainy toast & top with an egg cooked however you like them. Cracked black pepper.

The tea should be served in a bucket.
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