Show us your breakfast (2025)

I made some homemade burger buns the other day and they were really great the first night (the night we had burgers) but became a little dense over the course of a few days. I made French toast with them today and it was really great!

I was a bit disappointed that my maple syrup got moldy, has that ever happened to anyone else? I think we opened it in November. It's never happened to me before and I have had maple syrup in the cabinet that was there for close to a year that didn't get moldy. I ended up throwing it out, of course. I don't love maple syrup and we usually just use a small pour of it with a bigger pour of honey to balance it out. Anyway. Guess I will put it on my list and keep it in the refrigerator in the future.
I made some homemade burger buns the other day and they were really great the first night (the night we had burgers) but became a little dense over the course of a few days. I made French toast with them today and it was really great!

I was a bit disappointed that my maple syrup got moldy, has that ever happened to anyone else? I think we opened it in November. It's never happened to me before and I have had maple syrup in the cabinet that was there for close to a year that didn't get moldy. I ended up throwing it out, of course. I don't love maple syrup and we usually just use a small pour of it with a bigger pour of honey to balance it out. Anyway. Guess I will put it on my list and keep it in the refrigerator in the future.
I've had it get moldy. Once opened I keep it in the fridge but given the price I don't buy it much. It has to be marked down or at the discount store.
I've had it get moldy. Once opened I keep it in the fridge but given the price I don't buy it much. It has to be marked down or at the discount store.
I buy mine from Aldi. Since we use so very little of it, a small bottle lasts a very long time (or at least it did before). I much prefer honey anyway. Still stumped at how it went moldy in such a short time in a cold kitchen as compared to previous years of it never happening before. And it was sealed, so the mold spores were already in the bottle I am guessing? Eww.
I was a bit disappointed that my maple syrup got moldy, has that ever happened to anyone else?
Weā€™ve never had that happen, but we go through syrup like Al Bundy goes through beer. We do keep it in the fridge, though, even though I never thought it all that necessary. We buy big jugs.
Weā€™ve never had that happen, but we go through syrup like Al Bundy goes through beer. We do keep it in the fridge, though, even though I never thought it all that necessary. We buy big jugs.
Funny thing is, I had a big (I think 32 oz) jug of it that lasted for 2 years. Now granted the only time I would have been able to see the mold (Aldi's comes in glass jars and the big jug was one of those solid colored containers) would be when I poured it, but it never got moldy over the long length of time I had it.
I buy mine from Aldi. Since we use so very little of it, a small bottle lasts a very long time (or at least it did before). I much prefer honey anyway. Still stumped at how it went moldy in such a short time in a cold kitchen as compared to previous years of it never happening before. And it was sealed, so the mold spores were already in the bottle I am guessing? Eww.
E v e r y t h i n g has mold in it or on it. What's really dirty are your ***hands***. I have these gloves I got from Amazon that I use if I'm taking something from the fridge, slicing off, and putting back.
There are 500 in the box and the $7 is cheaper than the food waste and/or water to wash if things go south. Mold spores are typically 1-100 microns in diameter; a micron is 1 millionth of a meter. 100 of those will just about be as wide as a hair on your head so filtering isn't an option.

If you -really- want to see what you're carrying around DM me and I'll tell you how to make a petri dish and you can grow whats on your fingers. šŸ˜²

That's kind of the microcosm in your macrocosm of things with sugar. šŸ‘

Edit: Sorry mods I strayed off topic. Was a knowledge thing. šŸ™
E v e r y t h i n g has mold in it or on it. What's really dirty are your ***hands***. I have these gloves I got from Amazon that I use if I'm taking something from the fridge, slicing off, and putting back. View attachment 123834There are 500 in the box and the $7 is cheaper than the food waste and/or water to wash if things go south. Mold spores are typically 1-100 microns in diameter; a micron is 1 millionth of a meter. 100 of those will just about be as wide as a hair on your head so filtering isn't an option.

If you -really- want to see what you're carrying around DM me and I'll tell you how to make a petri dish and you can grow whats on your fingers. šŸ˜²

That's kind of the microcosm in your macrocosm of things with sugar. šŸ‘

Edit: Sorry mods I strayed off topic. Was a knowledge thing. šŸ™

I'm a retired massage therapist. No one i know washes their hands more often than I do, but I use gloves when I cook because I'd have chapped peeling skin from all the handwashing otherwise. I'm also mildly OCD.

My husband's cousin bf owns a kitchen supply store. I get those boxes by the case.
View attachment 123835
I'm a retired massage therapist. No one i know washes their hands more often than I do, but I use gloves when I cook because I'd have chapped peeling skin from all the handwashing otherwise. I'm also mildly OCD.

My husband's cousin bf owns a kitchen supply store. I get those boxes by the case.
Mildly OCD??? No such thing... šŸ¤­
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