The CookingBites recipe challenge: couscous

Thank you medtran49 and everyone else who has congratulated me. I really enjoyed this challenge and here is why:

I first ate couscous in Paris on the left bank of the Seine in the early 70's. As a vegetarian at that time it was difficult to find anything without meat. Moroccan restaurants known as couscous restaurants came to my rescue. Coucous with a glorious saffron vegetable broth and harissa was what I ate. In some parts of France people will say 'do you fancy going out for a couscous?' Much as in the UK we say 'do you fancy going out for a curry?'. Its one of the only spicy cuisines in France due to the French 'relationship' with Morocco. It was and still is, I think, cooked in the traditional way which involves steaming over the broth or stew and periodically rubbing with clarified butter or oil. The couscous we buy in supermarkets is already par cooked and really doesn't taste as good as traditionally cooked couscous.

When I returned to the Uk after the holiday I did make couscous traditionally a few times.You couldn't buy the instant kind in those days. It was a labour of love...

Now comes the difficult bit. I need to choose a new ingredient...
Partly influenced by the couscous challenge I'm choosing saffron as the ingredient for the next challenge. Expensive, I know, but a little goes a long way and it can be used in a wide range of dishes savoury or sweet.
Good choice. I love saffron rice. It is a regular item in my menu planning. I'm motivated to find something I haven't done with saffron since I have decent supply of it.
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