The CookingBites recipe challenge: couscous

Now, I know that SatNavSaysStraightOn is busy with University study but she also recently bought some giant couscous, presumably intending to enter.
I do indeed have a couple of warm roasted veg couscous salad recipes. Too cold here for cold recipes. I'm only going to get chance to do one and that will be Sunday...
Ok, my last one:

Sausage & Couscous-Stuffed Peppers

This one was a rollercoaster of a recipe. I started out with a basic couscous-stuffed pepper recipe from Martha Stewart, but the amounts of what I had on hand and wanted to use didn’t match hers, and I had some other stuff as well, so I had to wing it.

12 ounces of turkey sausage? Well, I have a pound of turkey, and I can season it up for an Italian sausage profile…but I also have about a half-pound of hot pork sausages I need to use up…in they go.

No problem, I have six peppers to stuff and the recipe calls for four, so it’ll fit, sure it will. Oh, recipe calls for canned diced tomatoes, I have only crushed, but I’ve got some wrinkly cherry tomatoes in the fridge that really need to be used or discarded…in they go!

Unopened jack cheese that I bought for this…where is it?…where is it?…oh, hey, here’s some spinach-and-artichoke Gouda that’s been around for a lot longer…that’ll work!

…and that’s how I ended up with this:

How’s it taste? Like a couscous-and-sausage stuffed pepper. Very filling, and the couscous brings a nice chewiness that’s usually missing from traditional stuffed peppers.
Very filling, and the couscous brings a nice chewiness that’s usually missing from traditional stuffed peppers.
Well done! Looks like a wonderfull lunch or supper!
Stuffed peppers or potatoes or tomatoes had crossed my mind for the challenge, then I got sidetracked...supercool use of couscous!
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