The CookingBites recipe challenge: couscous

Empanadas, filled with ground pork, red bell pepper, onion and quinoa. Dip: lemon juice, soy sauce and honey.

Will write up the recipe anytime soon.


Here’s my latest one:

Recipe - Crunchy Couscous Galette

Of course, as I was writing this up, I realized it was very similar to the earlier couscous patties I made with leftovers and didn’t write up - the only real difference being the addition of cheese.

That said, I made it, so here it is:

I even served it with the same sauce! :laugh:

However, just because it’s very similar doesn’t mean it isn’t good - it’s very good. Tastes very much like cornbread/polenta (which has been common with my couscous cooking thus far), and I was afraid this was going to be a little dry…not so. Nicely succulent interior (I avoided the word “moist,” because that always lands on “Most-Hated Words” lists, even though it’s one of my favorites).

The creator of this recipe also recommends this as a tasty breakfast, along with a fried egg.

Now…onto the next!
I'll have a think. There is a substantial amount of quinoa leftovers in the fridge...maybe if I finish them today and tomorrow...we shall see😊

I overestimated the needed quantity.
But perhaps I could re-purpose...
When I posted, it was the 22nd...
I know. But if I was trying to get a dinner entree cooked, written up and entered by the 24th 7pm deadline, I'd have to cook it the 23rd and write it up asap. If I had to work the 24th it might not happen.

Edited to add it ends at 7pm EST (I think, or is it 6) in the US.
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On a selfish note medtran49, might it be possible to extend the challenge a bit longer - over the weekend maybe? I have two more entries made and photographed but I still have to write them up. I also have quite a lot of other couscous ideas I'd like to make (too many really!). I'm slower than usual due to back problems when standing.

Putting my staff hat on, I'm a little puzzled by the fact only three of us have made entries so far. I mean its not as if couscous is a tricky ingredient or something that has a taste which divides people. Where are the usual suspects? Now, I know that SatNavSaysStraightOn is busy with University study but she also recently bought some giant couscous, presumably intending to enter. karadekoolaid has only just returned home but did express an interest. AgileMJOLNIR - maybe you are on holiday? msmofet - maybe you never tried couscous? JAS_OH1 - maybe you don't like couscous? I could go on...

Maybe a short extension could bring in more entries?
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