The CookingBites Recipe Challenge: Nov 2015-June 2017

Unfortunately rhubarb is not available here in its raw state. The only time I've come across it is inside a pie purchased from a company in Chonburi.

I used to love eating it raw dipping it in a small bowl of sugar when I was a kid.
Unfortunately rhubarb is not available here in its raw state. The only time I've come across it is inside a pie purchased from a company in Chonburi.

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Well, you don't have to actually cook it in order to enter a recipe. If you do have any recipes from before you lived in Thailand you could post them and I would be willing to make and photograph if you would like. Or - well you don't have to include a photo anyway.
Congratulations @classic33 roobars are, sorry rhubarb is an excellent choice... :D

Mine is just starting to grow in the garden though it is finding the heat of summer a touch difficult and I really need to mulch it. That said all of the garden is struggling at the moment... Rhubarb featured widely on my travels and in the journals, so I'm really going to enjoy this challenge even if it is a touch difficult to source from my garden at present and too hot to really cool. Plus I started my diet this week but I could see a change of fruit in my cold oats happening... Ideas are forming on how to use it on a savoury dish... Thinking cap will most certainly have to go on even if I can't cook more than one recipe with it in... I love rhubarb! And your always have to have it with custard! (You just need to have read my journal to understand that one!)

PS it grows as far north as you can cycle on mainland Europe that is! We saw it growing there many many times.
Well, living as I do, close to "The Rhubarb Triangle" I thought why not.
absolutely. I love, adore the stuff. If I could eat it everyday.... and we do and have done frequently had entire meals of it... Rhubarb crumble and custard. forget starters, forget mains, just dive straight in with the dessert and it is the entire meal and @morning glory no sugar in the rhubarb and much less than there should be in the crumble.... it is something to take the enamel off your teeth and make you smile at the same time!
I've never had rhubarb so I'm looking forward to this challenge. It will be good to see what people come up with please. I need a few ideas.
Chocolate Chip Rhubarb Cake
Chocolate Chip Rhubarb Cake.jpg

I have the 21st as a Saturday!
How can you never had rhubarb if you are in the UK? :scratchhead:
My family didn't like it, so we never had it. End of story really. I'm trying loads of new things now I have left home. it's so much fun. We used to eat the same things each week night. So Monday was always left offers from Sunday lunch made into a stew usually. Friday was always fish and chips from the chippy. Saturday was take away night. We would get turns picking the local takeaway restaurant and choosing what we wanted. And so on.
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