...and what to server alongside those warm 'n' tart taters (
Pickle Pork Chops
Pork, of course! Pork, pork, pork, pork, pork, pork, pork, pork!
Ms. Calder, in her fine book that contains this recipe, explains that this was born out of a mild fridge-clearing exercise, just using up some stuff she had on hand, and I must say, it's quite nice.
Here's the thing...you likely know what Big Mac sauce tastes like - well, this tastes like a mustardy version of Big Mac sauce. It's something of a familiar surprise (famprise? surpiliar?)...this feeling of, "I've never had this before, but...I think I've had this before!" - It made for a quite heady first couple of bites.
Add in that it's dead simple to make, and I'm expecting this one to feature in future suppers on a regular basis.
One note on the sauce - pay it no mind if it breaks, it'll still taste fine, and next time, I expect to pay a little closer attention to it, so it shouldn't be a problem.