! I made it up myself last night. I thought of flavors (in our cupboard/freezer/fridge) that would be bold enough to tame turmeric. Turmeric has a distinct flavor which resembles the combination of sour berries/fruit, juniper/wood, cayenne pepper, cumin and all spice. I think turmeric goes well with those (said) hues, some herbs, ginger (from the same Zingiberaceae family) and - of course - other curry flavors like kaffir lime, fenugreek, coriander, cardamom and chili as turmeric is a common ingredient in curry mixes. The syrup had a tangy but pleasant flavor in which the black currants overruled the turmeric. The syrup would work well with vanilla ice cream too - I ended up sipping small spoonfuls after discarding most of the cocktail and doing the dishes.