The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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We have been to our local pub for the 1st night of the Comedy Festival, 4 very good acts. We were supposed to go into town tomorrow to see a scottish comedian but she has cancelled so we are back at the pub tomorrow for the 2nd night, the landlord is giving us free tickets :thumbsup:
It's not just dead plant life that may have to be cleared. Two pairs of gloves, worn at the same time, may be required.
Bought a pair of 'drain cleaners' gloves for this very job. Long [elbow length] strong industrial rubber gloves - bit hot and sweaty in summer but worth it. Must admit I use them for pulling up nettles in the garden too.
It's Macca Bucha day today.

I shall be celebrating in my usual manner.
How much snow have you gotten this winter? Here, we've only gotten a few dustings so far plus one ice storm.

We are in the middle of England and are pretty sheltered. Round here there has been very little, other parts of the country have had it pretty bad but we have been very lucky.
We are in the middle of England and are pretty sheltered. Round here there has been very little, other parts of the country have had it pretty bad but we have been very lucky.
Oooop Norf here in county Durham [that bit of England that the weather forecasters forget about ie the north east] we haven't had more than a few light dustings either - just the usual daily cold rain. The woods where I walk the dog has a tiny stream, very pretty in summer [although still, after all thse years polluted by the old mine workings] and it is within about three inches of over running the little bridge that crosses it.
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Last night's comedy was brilliant, by far the rudest we have seen so far, 4 very funny acts.

Today is very cold and wet so after a quick trip to M&S this morning, we have now locked the front door and refuse to go out again. :rain: :cold:
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