The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Yes. He did.
I know guys that drank a minimum of 24 pints a day. Though that was beer not milk.
My son drinks milk neat from a pint glass - maybe 2 pints max a day. But 8 pints is a LOT! Ice-cold from the fridge? That's how my son likes it. There are around 200 Kcals in a pint of milk. So if you were to drink 8 pints that is a whopping 1600 Kcals (pretty much the total cals per day for a woman).
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Mind you, 8 pints of average strength bitter would be about the same in Kcals.
One guy I knew that drank at least a case of beer a day was almost emaciated when he died.
The medical examiner found no food in his system.
Question one: I need his birthdate. Question two: when was the last time he ate?
The ME had the guy's wallet but needed verification because the ID and apparent age of the body were about 15 years apart. Guy was 56 and looked like he was in his 70's.

On question two: I had no idea and they had plenty of meat in the freezer.
One guy I knew that drank at least a case of beer a day was almost emaciated when he died.
The medical examiner found no food in his system.
Question one: I need his birthdate. Question two: when was the last time he ate?
The ME had the guy's wallet but needed verification because the ID and apparent age of the body were about 15 years apart. Guy was 56 and looked like he was in his 70's.

On question two: I had no idea and they had plenty of meat in the freezer.
Very sad - clearly missed out on the principals of the essential healthy diet - beer AND steak :thumbsup:
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You know this leads to an interesting question.
It appears that it seems odd for someone to drink 8 pints of milk, but no one thinks twice about a guy that drinks 8 or more beers in an evening. Same amount of liquid if not way more on the beer.
My son drinks milk neat from a pint glass - maybe 2 pints max a day. But 8 pints is a LOT! Ice-cold from the fridge? That's how my son likes it. There are around 200 Kcals in a pint of milk. So if you were to drink 8 pints that is a whopping 1600 Kcals (pretty much the total cals per day for a woman).

When I was at primary school we were given warm milk every day as a result I don't like a great deal of milk, about 1 teaspoon in my mug of tea and just enough to soak my breakfast cereal (semi-skimmed),
The school milk is now stored in a fridge and collected at breaktime, so it's always nice and cold.

When I was pregnant with my son, I drank 11 pints of banana milkshake a week, made with silver top. No surprise that he's always loved banana milkshake.
I still drink a lot of milk but it's nearly always skimmed, partly for convenience. Long life skimmed doesn't have any taste problems that you get with semi skimmed or full fat. I don't think that it's any better for you because it's got a higher percentage of all the other nutrients including sugar by volume.
You know this leads to an interesting question.
It appears that it seems odd for someone to drink 8 pints of milk, but no one thinks twice about a guy that drinks 8 or more beers in an evening. Same amount of liquid if not way more on the beer.
If we mean 8 pints [and I mean pints] of beer every day then yep we do. Unless we are talking about fairly low alcohol beer that is around 16 units of alcohol a day - 112 per week. The recommended limit for men in the UK is 21 - ok maybe it's the doctors being cautious but still - 112 ?!!
I know a lot of guys [some ex miners] and that is a LOT of beer every night and beside it's not cheap. A pint over here in a pub can easily cost £3.00 [maybe$4.50 ish ?] so that's about £160+ a week and that's getting up to half a week's wage for some people.
If we mean 8 pints [and I mean pints] of beer every day then yep we do. Unless we are talking about fairly low alcohol beer that is around 16 units of alcohol a day - 112 per week. The recommended limit for men in the UK is 21 - ok maybe it's the doctors being cautious but still - 112 ?!!
I know a lot of guys [some ex miners] and that is a LOT of beer every night and beside it's not cheap. A pint over here in a pub can easily cost £3.00 [maybe$4.50 ish ?] so that's about £160+ a week and that's getting up to half a week's wage for some people.
I don't think the US has a recommended limit.
As to your other comment, I do know people that drink more than half their wage.
I was primarily talking about at home drinking in which case here it is roughly $1 or a little less per pint. Most people here might drink a little like one or two in places where beers are about the price you quoted but many (although not near as many as in years past) either go to the little bars where beers are about half what you quoted or buy it at the grocery store and drink at home.
Now last weekend, beer was on sale due to that big game.
I don't think the US has a recommended limit.
As to your other comment, I do know people that drink more than half their wage.
I was primarily talking about at home drinking in which case here it is roughly $1 or a little less per pint. Most people here might drink a little like one or two in places where beers are about the price you quoted but many (although not near as many as in years past) either go to the little bars where beers are about half what you quoted or buy it at the grocery store and drink at home.
Now last weekend, beer was on sale due to that big game.
Fair enough - I was simply quoting the prices charged in a pub here and yes it can be cheaper if you drink at home and sadly there are too many people who spend half [or even more] of their wage on booze here too. I also suspect that we have to pay way too much tax on alcohol artificially boosting the prices [nanny state]. I know plenty who will do 3 - 4 a night and maybe 6 - 8 once a week however but I still wonder if we are comparing like for like here. A bottle will hold usually considerably less than a full imperial pint [even over here] and in a pub a pint must be by law an imperial pint [20 fld oz]. I used to have a fair few pints [we both did as I recall] when I used to visit bike rallies but it was spread out over a full weekend and only once every few weeks or so. Happy days :cheers:
Fair enough - I was simply quoting the prices charged in a pub here and yes it can be cheaper if you drink at home and sadly there are too many people who spend half [or even more] of their wage on booze here too. I also suspect that we have to pay way too much tax on alcohol artificially boosting the prices [nanny state]. I know plenty who will do 3 - 4 a night and maybe 6 - 8 once a week however but I still wonder if we are comparing like for like here. A bottle will hold usually considerably less than a full imperial pint [even over here] and in a pub a pint must be by law an imperial pint [20 fld oz]. I used to have a fair few pints [we both did as I recall] when I used to visit bike rallies but it was spread out over a full weekend and only once every few weeks or so. Happy days :cheers:
Taxes here too. And don't even get me started on tobacco tax. Per bottle, our measurements might vary a bit. Total volume drank, we are comparing like for like.
Now I haven't put away many pints of beer, but I have put away more than my fair share of wine coolers and mixed drinks. Both of which had a higher alcohol content than beer.

Though it is my understanding that most people over your way either take a taxi or walk to the pubs. Over here, nearly everyone drives to the bars and restaurants.
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