The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I have been to the one in Farnham too in the past. When did you live round there? I have been here for the last 20 years. I haven't been to Pizza Express for a long time but last time I was a bit disappointed.
We moved out in February 2011. I didn't really like the pizza express in Farnham. The Alton and Godalming branches are a lot better ime. There was always something lacking about the Farnham restaurant. We lived in the area for over 12 years btw!
Apropos of nothing, we had a splendid rainbow this morning. It's rare to see the full arc.

We moved out in February 2011. I didn't really like the pizza express in Farnham. The Alton and Godalming branches are a lot better ime. There was always something lacking about the Farnham restaurant. We lived in the area for over 12 years btw!

We have been here for more than 20 years and ended up buying our house here. It was work that brought us here but the climate is clement compared with Newcastle where we were before! I've not tried the Godalming branch but we tend to prefer going out for Pub lunch these days. I make pizza at home though.
We have been here for more than 20 years and ended up buying our house here. It was work that brought us here but the climate is clement compared with Newcastle where we were before! I've not tried the Godalming branch but we tend to prefer going out for Pub lunch these days. I make pizza at home though.

I have to agree regarding the climate. My partner comes from Sunderland and he doesn't regret moving down south. I moved to Kent in 2003 and I absolutely fell in love with the county. We have miles of coastline, good weather - and oh, I nearly forgot, we are 'the garden of England'.
I've just done a quick calculation - I've lived and/or worked in 29 locations in the UK over the 28 years, '66 - '94.
Another quick calculation: I count seven different places where I have lived in the UK and a total of sixteen addresses. Then one has to consider a few ventures to other countries.
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