The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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My wife has just asked me to turn the music down as someone has died at the other end of the village. "Well, he's not going to hear is he? Especially considering all the noise that the mourners make at a Thai funeral".
All Aquarians?

I don't really pay attention to that tbh.
My dad used to be a delivery man for a bakery and 1 place was a vegan cafe. One day he was chatting to 1of the ladies and mentioned how long he and my mum had been together, capricorn and virgo are a perfect match apparently, I am virgo my husband a leo, no a bad match, won't work, she was very adamament about that, this July we will have been together for 26 years!
I don't really pay attention to that tbh.
My dad used to be a delivery man for a bakery and 1 place was a vegan cafe. One day he was chatting to 1of the ladies and mentioned how long he and my mum had been together, capricorn and virgo are a perfect match apparently, I am virgo my husband a leo, no a bad match, won't work, she was very adamament about that, this July we will have been together for 26 years!
Yes it is all a bit daft. But I remember reading a scientific study some years ago of professions and star-signs. It turned out that certain professions had a significantly higher proportion of a particular star sign. That can't really be put down to superstition... I'll try to look it up but it was a long time ago!
I don't really pay attention to that tbh.
My dad used to be a delivery man for a bakery and 1 place was a vegan cafe. One day he was chatting to 1of the ladies and mentioned how long he and my mum had been together, capricorn and virgo are a perfect match apparently, I am virgo my husband a leo, no a bad match, won't work, she was very adamament about that, this July we will have been together for 26 years!

Here we go - the study referred to was back in the 70's

Michel Gauquelin, a French psychologist and statistician, was highly skeptical of the validity of astrology. In his book, "Written in the Stars" he outlines the research he conducted to find out if there was a correlation between a person's chosen profession and their natal chart. Gauquelin's findings placed astrology firmly on the doorstep of science. His findings revealed that the position of the stars had some indication as to what line of work a person may enter in life. The psychologist Hans Eysenckonce said, "How ever much it may go against the grain, I think we must admit that there is something here that requires explanation." His results, however, only seemed to work within the members of the higher professionals, the same response not being achievable with unskilled workers.

Gauquelin found that people of certain professions tend to have the same planets in these critical segments with a greater frequency than statistical average. Not only that, but he also found an effect which he titled the "theory of eminence" which holds that not only do people established in their chosen fields have a greater than statistical chance average of having those planets in these important fields. The more eminent a person is in their field, the greater the likelihood that those planets will be found in those critical segments. For example, doctors were found to have the planet of Saturn in these critical segments. If you take an average, general practice physician, the chances of he or she having Saturn in that critical position is much less than the chart of a highly prominent physician, one who is frequently published and renowned in their field. In other words, the more prominent you are in your field, the greater the chances you will have the corresponding planet in the critical field of the wheel.

Although scientists find Gauquilin's findings very disquieting, increasingly sophisticated analysis seems to confirm, rather than disconfirm, certain of the original results. For example, in a 1986 study, the German researcher, Suitbert Ertel, reported: "A reanalysis of Gauquelin professional data using alternative procedures of statistical treatment supports previous Gauquelin results. Frequency deviations from chance expectancy along the scale of planetary sectors differ markedly between professions." Read more about it at the William James Roots of Consciousness website.
Mentioned elsewhere on here. First private house built on the road built by the work of inmates of the local workhouse, long since gone.

Nearest water supply on their land, geographic survey done to locate it, was half a mile away from the site of the house. Extra had to be spent on pumps, storage tank and pipes to the house.

Field in which the house was built, had a new spring rise next to the house after they moved in. House has had to be vacated, and now faces demolition.

They laughed at the locals who refused to build it, or supply any building materials. But no-ones laughing now.
I don't really pay attention to that tbh.
My dad used to be a delivery man for a bakery and 1 place was a vegan cafe. One day he was chatting to 1of the ladies and mentioned how long he and my mum had been together, capricorn and virgo are a perfect match apparently, I am virgo my husband a leo, no a bad match, won't work, she was very adamament about that, this July we will have been together for 26 years!
Well now I can say with absolute certainty 2 Capricorns with the same birthday although he was a few years older didn't last. I can also say I am pretty sure it had less to do with the stars and more to do with some of his habits.

Now Leos and Capricorns can last. 26 years here too.
We went into town this morning and it was a very successful trip, husband got his shoes, I got 2 tops and we have chocolate from Hotel Chocolate :thumbsup:
Yes it is all a bit daft. But I remember reading a scientific study some years ago of professions and star-signs. It turned out that certain professions had a significantly higher proportion of a particular star sign. That can't really be put down to superstition... I'll try to look it up but it was a long time ago!
I don't believe any of this astrology stuff, which is apparently typical for a Leo.
Ah, ha. It wasn't police it was army (very similar uniforms). He was part of a funeral band which has just proceeded toward the crematorium.

funeral band.jpg
Tomorrow I shall apply for (and there is no reason I shall not obtain) what is called a "re-entry permit" in order that I may leave the country (to Cambodia next week) and return without having to obtain another visa. This is required for every alien who wishes to leave the country and return but who does not possess a multi-entry visa. This will cost me a 150 km round trip plus US$ 30.00.
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