The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Not that it's of much interest to me, but what are some of them made from?

(Excluding those French/Belgian things, of course)
What are they made from ?? :eek:
Quick check yesterday saw that potato content varied between 70 & 97%(2.97 fat content on these) but over a dozen ingredients listed for that final 0.03%?

One well known brand of oven chip showed 297% potato, 3.75% fat, nothing else! Their normal frozen chips list over a dozen ingredients.

One question later, there were a few confused staff who'd never been asked what the difference was. Even if a decimal point was placed in the first figure, they don't add up.
Packet or tinned foods imported to Thailand invariably has a sticker placed over the "ingredients list" on the original packaging. Whether this is positioned there intentionally I don't know.

Today is a bit warmer, not much, just a bit.
Thankfully today was just a little bit cooler.
Tomorrow is meant to be a lot cooler. I'm looking forward to it.
One well known brand of oven chip showed 297% potato, 3.75% fat, nothing else! Their normal frozen chips list over a dozen ingredients.
Even if a decimal point was placed in the first figure, they don't add up.
saves me saying anything!
I went to Alton market yesterday and they were selling a fruit I didn't recognise labelled kaki. I asked the vendor about them and he said they were like an apple. Not very useful and I think he may never have tried one. I just looked it up and discovered they are persimmons or Sharon fruit. I don't know why I didn't recognise them but it could be that I haven't bought any for years.
I went to Alton market yesterday and they were selling a fruit I didn't recognise labelled kaki. I asked the vendor about them and he said they were like an apple. Not very useful and I think he may never have tried one. I just looked it up and discovered they are persimmons or Sharon fruit. I don't know why I didn't recognise them but it could be that I haven't bought any for years.
I know Alton well. We used to go there for the pizza express for many years until they finally opened a restaurant in Farnham. It's a really good branch in Alton as well. That's one thing I do miss living this side of the world. A good pizza joint. I've not found one yet.
My husband is going into work for 6.30 tomorrow so for the first time since I have had this tablet-1 year and 1 month-I am going to use it's alarm just to make sure I don't roll over and go back to sleep.
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