The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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The number of people who don't realise that chips, as in fish n'chips, actually require spuds to make them from.

That includes the frozen sort, but how some of them are made is something else.

My neighbour from hell cannot understand why I got so upset when she murdered my blackberries, hazelnuts, apples and elderberries. She can't understand why I don't buy my food from a supermarket the same as normal people, but then she probably thinks milk, meat and poultry are made in factories :ohmy:
My neighbour from hell cannot understand why I got so upset when she murdered my blackberries, hazelnuts, apples and elderberries. She can't understand why I don't buy my food from a supermarket the same as normal people, but then she probably thinks milk, meat and poultry are made in factories :ohmy:

It is amazing how ignorant some people can be, home grown not only tastes better but also gives a feeling of achievement :happy:

My colleague didn't realise there was a lot of sugar in the orange juice her son was guzzling until the dentist pointed it out. Her response to me was 'you don't know do you?' I then asked if she had ever eaten and orange, yes she had, had she ever drunk orange juice, yes she has, ok.. so which tastes sweeter? Took a while for the penny to drop :facepalm:
It is amazing how ignorant some people can be, home grown not only tastes better but also gives a feeling of achievement :happy:..... Took a while for the penny to drop :facepalm:

One of the girls I used to work with, when I said I never usually peel root veg but just scrub them, said she always peels hers because they've come out of the ground and you don't know what's happened to them. She then proceeded to put a frozen jacket potato in the microwave. I said, I hope they washed it before they baked and froze it :D
What are they made from ?? :eek:
As little as 35% potato(actual), using the same method as for frozen chips.

The rest is covered by "flavourings" and similar wording on the packaging.

You never wondered why fries are overtaking chips in the freezer section of the supermarkets!
I understand working parents don't have time to look at every single label when shopping but surely common sense...
Friend of ours daughter was surprised when, on a visit to a farm she found out that the KFC she so enjoyed actually came from - chickens

Pity KFC doesn't actually taste like chicken as well. There is a KFC a couple of hundred yards from me and the cooking smell is, well, foul :D but it does mask the traffic fumes at a 5 main road intersection. Much cheaper, quicker and healthier to bung a proper chicken and a few veg in the oven.
The print on most of those labels is so small, I can't even read it without a magnifying glass :D.

Exactly, they don't make it easy, and plus they use fancy words which confuse.

Mind you, my colleague is 43, a mother of 2. Her 11 year old son had an accident and lost some of his fingernail, when telling 1 of the guys at work she actually asked- his nail will grow back won't it? :o_o:
As the guy didn't appear to be in IT it still seems a bit odd unless A - he was expecting it or B - they did give him time off in lieu [ or possibly a payoff I suppose]. Just sacking someone on the spot needs a LOT of evidence. Redundancy - possibly
but there is usually something "in the wind" and everybody gets to know something might be happening.

What are they made from ?? :eek:
I had read it differently, but doesn't matter.

I understand working parents don't have time to look at every single label when shopping but surely common sense...
I've always did common sense isn't common sense until it's been pointed out to people.

Right time to get ready to go out. Not looking forward to it, it's still hotter out than in but the Cafe might just have air con, something I don't have here though it'll make this evening harder until the sun sets and then it cools down to a chilly 22C. I'm missing UK temperatures... Just a little
As the guy didn't appear to be in IT it still seems a bit odd unless A - he was expecting it or B - they did give him time off in lieu [ or possibly a payoff I suppose]. Just sacking someone on the spot needs a LOT of evidence. Redundancy - possibly
but there is usually something "in the wind" and everybody gets to know something might be happening.

What are they made from ?? :eek:

I had read it differently, but doesn't matter.

I've always did common sense isn't common sense until it's been pointed out to people.

I'm missing UK temperatures... Just a little
View it a different way. What's to stop the person mucking up someones account as an example. Putting orders/money where they never existed? Common practice in most banks & anywhere a customers account may be compromised to limit access afterwards. Companies tend to have one person looking after a few accounts, which might explain the removal of the computer. Stop any access to them.

Common Sense isn't that common any more.

You really missing the UK weather?
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