The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Just come out of the medical imagining centre.

Guy doing the scan noted the added extra if my left ribs... the initial scan caught the bottom of my rib cage. after which he came in and asked exactly what had I done back in October to my ribs and how many breaks were confirmed. 3 were confirmed on X-ray. A 4th indicated as possible. I suspected 5 across 4 ribs and said so, but also said his scan picture showed me more than that just from what I could tell.

I got asked if he could test his equipment on me to see how many it could find. would I mind? save me another appointment etc, so yes get on with it. well, I have at least 10 fractures potentially 11 across multiple ribs. some may not be healing,but that's for my Dr to decide on!

At least I know now why I still hurt!
That's one way of finding out!

Hope they can start on healing them now they know it's not in your head
I found some pickled gherkins in the fridge today. I cannot remember pickling them but they were in an ex "Crespo" black olive jar which I bought a year or two ago. The gherkins were bloody lovely!

Now to decide how to use them.
pickledgherkin s.jpg

They are not gherkins but small cucumbers.
What's the difference ?

According to Wiki:

A gherkin is a variety of cucumber:[1] the West Indian or burr gherkin (Cucumis anguria), which produces a somewhat smaller fruit than the garden cucumber (Cucumis sativus).[2] Gherkins are cooked, eaten raw, or used as pickles.[3] Gherkins are usually picked when 4 to 8 cm (1 to 3 in) in length and pickled in jars or cans with vinegar (often flavoured with herbs, particularly dill; hence, "dill pickle") or brine.
We've been tasting Chinese food in Nursery today. They liked the noodles best and the pak choy the least. No surprise there. My group were very good at trying new things.
Its Chinese new year... maybe they try other (English) foods on other festival dates?
Fair enough and good luck to them if they do :thumbsup: - just that we seem to be losing so many old recipes of our own and many people appear to think our food consists of baked beans and chips [ok I admit a bit of exaggeration but it makes a point - try asking around a local school]. Dozens of things originated here - even good old apple pie is not American [for example] but there are a shocking number of people that believe apples originated there :eek:. It's just a bit sad really.
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