The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Last week my boss turned up with a really bad cold, my husband now has a heavy cold and 3 people rang in sick this morning.
Saturday day evening was 41C. 6am yesterday morning, only 36 hrs later if that, and it was 5C here. Breakfast was taken inside rather than on the veranda!

This is our spare water at the moment. The emergency tank was overflowing after massive thunderstorms at the weekend, so we switched over to it... :whistling:

It actually tastes fine if a little planty like the peaty taste you get. Rather than stop filling the bottles my OH filled all of them with it, then complained! He got sent to get something to treat it with and came home with something containing 99.95% hydrogen peroxide and 0.05% colloidal silver... It made him happy anyhow!

I've just done a quick calculation - I've lived and/or worked in 29 locations in the UK over the 28 years, '66 - '94.

I gave up counting at over 30 locations in as many years (not including my time on the road). These were total moves where everything we owned was moved rather than just some stuff... It was hard.

We can get 1% and 2% skimmed milks but we only use whole milk here.
When we first got married, it was about a gallon a day. He has cut back on his milk consumption.

I used to drink a minimum of 4 pints a day, every day without fail and not counting what I cooked with, of full cream milk for most of my life. My dairy allergy hit me hard. I remember my first year at university living in someone else's home as a lodger and I got my milk from the same milkman as they did. I used to consume more milk than their entire 5 person family did on a weekly basis! But I have never been able to drink fizzy drinks or squash, cordials, etc. It was plain water, coffee or milk, that was it.

Yes, I would consider that goes without saying. We have used heavy duty work gloves, gardening gloves but recently, we've been using the heavy duty washing up gloves because they can be easily washed.

Bare hands :whistling: my hands don't go anywhere I can't see into first. I'm at a loss as to how the device is used btw.
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