The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I wish we could get some rain in North Texas. But, it is getting cooler. I'm in Houston right now, and when I got up this morning, it was 46F.

You're more than welcome to all of ours over the next week or two. It's getting bad here again. Flood warnings, evacuation orders, 100mm per hour, giant hail warnings (giant is anything over 50mm diameter or 2inches) and so on. Some places still haven't actually been able to return after last week's flooding. (Our road had emergency repairs yesterday but it was only a rough patch up job, not a proper regrading and they didn't do the public 'road' that makes a shared entrance onto our gravel road, so that remains only just possible with care, but they don't care because it only affects 3 properties. )

This next lot is coming down the coast so we might not fair as badly as last time which came across the country from the west but both vehicles will be under cover (or as much cover as possible) for the next week.

I'll be doing a fresh veg shop as a precaution today just in case we get marooned/stranded at home again tomorrow and can't get out to do the monthly shop on Saturday.
Flu shot is done.

Nurse was a little too chatty for my tastes, but that’s ok. Mostly, things like that puzzle me more than anything else, because the first thing she asked me was if I’d ever had a flu shot before and if I was familiar with the process:

“Yep, I’ve had a flu shot every year since I was 19 <I’m 56 now>.”

“Ok, well, now I’m just raising your shirt sleeve over your shoulder so I can give you the shot…I’m just holding your sleeve in place…now I’m gonna just wipe it with this alcohol swab because I don’t want to get any germs into your bloodstream…<picks up a card and waves it like a fan>…I’m just drying your arm where I’m gonna give you the shot…now I’m just taking the protective plastic tip off the needle…”

I wish I was exaggerating. All the talking slowed her down considerably. I’ve gotten flu shots in the past that took mere seconds (sleeve up, wipe, shot, goodbye), but this went on forever. I couldn’t help thinking maybe she was used to working with kids.
TastyReuben that sounds so annoying! I once had a nurse like that. I'm not too scared of medical procedures but I like to get it done it with quickly and I don't like to see or know what the doctor/nurse is doing during the procedure, I usually research that stuff later but during, it just makes me more nervous. So I was having a small exam that I find really uncomfortable, and the nurse doing it thought it was a good idea to explain me in detail every little thing she was doing, as she was doing it to me, and as she noticed my discomfort she kept asking me "How are you feeling? Melissa, tell me what you feel" . I was getting increasingly nervous so she just stopped mid procedure and looked at me very concerned "are you alright?" I wanted to tell her "if you just shut up you'll finish faster!!" :mad: I know she was only trying to be nice but that kind of approach doesn't work for me.
You're more than welcome to all of ours over the next week or two. It's getting bad here again. Flood warnings, evacuation orders, 100mm per hour, giant hail warnings (giant is anything over 50mm diameter or 2inches) and so on. Some places still haven't actually been able to return after last week's flooding. (Our road had emergency repairs yesterday but it was only a rough patch up job, not a proper regrading and they didn't do the public 'road' that makes a shared entrance onto our gravel road, so that remains only just possible with care, but they don't care because it only affects 3 properties. )

This next lot is coming down the coast so we might not fair as badly as last time which came across the country from the west but both vehicles will be under cover (or as much cover as possible) for the next week.

I'll be doing a fresh veg shop as a precaution today just in case we get marooned/stranded at home again tomorrow and can't get out to do the monthly shop on Saturday.

Ain't global warming grand. (well, for those of us who believe in science".

Ain't global warming grand. (well, for those of us who believe in science".

I've never been a believer in 'global warming' because not all of the globe is warming up. But I do believe very much so in climate change. It is more the name that is the issue, not the concept. Hard to explain sitting at the doctors with half my mind on other things.
I've never been a believer in 'global warming' because not all of the globe is warming up. But I do believe very much so in climate change. It is more the name that is the issue, not the concept. Hard to explain sitting at the doctors with half my mind on other things.

Yeah, two names for the same thing. Scientifically, its all about the greenhouse affect. If people can grasp that simple concept, they can understand global warming/global climate change.

Ain't global warming grand. (well, for those of us who believe in science".
Yep, had to cover flowers and herb garden because we have a hard freeze coming tonight, which I believe may be the earliest one on record here, and predicted highs close to 80F by the weekend.

Flu shot is done.

Nurse was a little too chatty for my tastes, but that’s ok. Mostly, things like that puzzle me more than anything else, because the first thing she asked me was if I’d ever had a flu shot before and if I was familiar with the process:

“Yep, I’ve had a flu shot every year since I was 19 <I’m 56 now>.”

“Ok, well, now I’m just raising your shirt sleeve over your shoulder so I can give you the shot…I’m just holding your sleeve in place…now I’m gonna just wipe it with this alcohol swab because I don’t want to get any germs into your bloodstream…<picks up a card and waves it like a fan>…I’m just drying your arm where I’m gonna give you the shot…now I’m just taking the protective plastic tip off the needle…”

I wish I was exaggerating. All the talking slowed her down considerably. I’ve gotten flu shots in the past that took mere seconds (sleeve up, wipe, shot, goodbye), but this went on forever. I couldn’t help thinking maybe she was used to working with kids.

TastyReuben that sounds so annoying! I once had a nurse like that. I'm not too scared of medical procedures but I like to get it done it with quickly and I don't like to see or know what the doctor/nurse is doing during the procedure, I usually research that stuff later but during, it just makes me more nervous. So I was having a small exam that I find really uncomfortable, and the nurse doing it thought it was a good idea to explain me in detail every little thing she was doing, as she was doing it to me, and as she noticed my discomfort she kept asking me "How are you feeling? Melissa, tell me what you feel" . I was getting increasingly nervous so she just stopped mid procedure and looked at me very concerned "are you alright?" I wanted to tell her "if you just shut up you'll finish faster!!" :mad: I know she was only trying to be nice but that kind of approach doesn't work for me.

Last Monday I had to have a blood test, I haven't seen that nurse before, she was friendly. As she was washing her hands I rolled up my left sleeve ready, she asked how I was with needles, I am not a fan but have had so many over the years so 'go for it' I don't mind a bit of chat as it helps take my mind off it.
Got mine done last week at the local pharmacy. She said: "Just relax your arm" and showed me how to relax it. I said to the pharmacist " don´t ask me or anything, just stick the needle in there. I´ll look away!" 2 seconds later it was over - didn´t feel a thing.
When I had the Covid booster, I think I was too tense, because it felt like Mike Tyson had punched me in the arm.
Last Monday I had to have a blood test, I haven't seen that nurse before, she was friendly. As she was washing her hands I rolled up my left sleeve ready, she asked how I was with needles, I am not a fan but have had so many over the years so 'go for it' I don't mind a bit of chat as it helps take my mind off it.

I'm fine with shots, and drawing blood. Ask TVC if he's ever had a catheter "installed." It doesn't actually hurt, but it is not something any man wants to be awake for. :sick:

Getting a new Catheter while asleep is not cool
EDIT: Catheter in english is only used for THAT area? In german we use the same word for any plastic tube connected to your body. I got one to infuse something into my bloodstream
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