Just found out that my young nephew was rushed into hospital yesterday after collapsing. He's 8 years old and has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
The family have a pretty healthy diet luckily; mum is a primary school headmistress and vegetarian, father, like my husband is a good cook as well, so they should manage it OK once they get their head around the changes they'll need to make. They are hoping to have him home for Christmas, by a day, but the hospital are keeping him in for now. They are already talking about an insulin pump for him. He has an uncle (on father's side) with type 1 and another with type 2, and I know there is glaucoma in the family as well...
Not what was needed or wanted for Christmas. It nearly killed his uncle before he was diagnosed. I don't know how bad it got for him to be admitted but I can guess.