The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Here’s this morning’s weather.

For our Fahrenheit Friends:


For our Celsius Sidekicks:

Any chance the TV program will be available for viewing online? I’d love to see your debut!
Oh thanks for asking, a good question, I will look into the on demand or any other boyfriend did a recording within the channel on his phone, but is still figuring out how to send it...I saw a very basic recording of it directly from tv, let me get back smarter :-), i.e. with an answer...
Oh and it is not my debut, I've been on that particular show 3 times, at least, I the past... with different projects...within my music ...but a recent appearance...
It actually went pretty well. Words were flowing, regardless of my mouth being very dry, and I played well, those are avantgarde and new age pieces, I'd say...
I´m currently staying about 2 hours away from TastyReuben, so weather is similar.
Just went outside to pick up the rubbish/garbage bin and couldn´t move it. The wheels were frozen... :eek: :eek:
My sis was headed out for some shopping this morning (bad, bad judgment) and found her car doors frozen shut (she leaves her car out overnight, so she had to stay home.
Thanks. He’s got blood clots in his lungs (pulmonary embolism). They admitted him last night and transferred him to a larger hospital in Dayton for treatment.

She’s 70 and doesn’t see very well, and it’s raining with 40mph winds, so she’s asked if I can drive her to the larger hospital today.

Since I can work from anywhere, I said I would, but I have to admit, I hate last-minute changes like this. I’m just hoping she doesn’t want to sit there until midnight, which is what happened last night.
So sorry to read this, I am missing on many posts, is it your Dad that is in hospital?
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