The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Thank you. :happy: 46 years young :okay:
Kids these days !!
Which had the bigger impact, steam ships or steam railways?
Had to be the railways - a thousand tons of freight on the docks is great but you have to A - get it there and B - get it from there [not including the huge quantities of coal that ships required back then].
Last night I put a full load of washing on the rotary, bought it back in a short while ago and put another lot out. It is so hot and sticky here, we appear to have missed all the storms others had overnight.
Last night I put a full load of washing on the rotary, bought it back in a short while ago and put another lot out. It is so hot and sticky here, we appear to have missed all the storms others had overnight.
Storms? Its been hot as hell down here for several days. 27 C today and due to be the same tomorrow. I hate it. I think my internal thermostat is broken!
Thick mist for most of the day on the east coast of Scotland. The sun eventually broke through at four o'clock, but now the mist is descending again.

None of this hot and sunny stuff up here in the frozen wastelands of the north...
Thick mist for most of the day on the east coast of Scotland. The sun eventually broke through at four o'clock, but now the mist is descending again.

None of this hot and sunny stuff up here in the frozen wastelands of the north...

Apparently the rain isn't coming this way afterall :mad:
dark, dank, overcast. If anyone tells you Australia is hot and dry DON'T Believe them, they are lying to you!

Today is a touch better... its only dank and overcast with a threat that the sun may appear... it is a touch warmer, but that could be because I have been in the veg plot rather than the house which is cold. Until I get some sun, the house won't warm up at all.

Right off to construct something to keep the chooks off my raised veg border that I want to plant some seeds in. I'm safe planting them right until they germinate and show their heads above the soil - then they will be history. Plus I have some seedlings which need planting out. I suspect they are going to have to be planted on and brought into the sun room which acts like an unheated greenhouse (and feels like one temperature wise as well, only it has a carpet, a chair and a couple of stools in it plus some plants and in theory some seeds germinating, but I don't see much action from them and think I will have to write them off and start again).
The weather people have changed their minds yet again, it is raining and is supposed to rain for most of the day, I was hoping to spend some time in the front garden this afternoon, plant the last of the bulbs then that will be it for the rest of the year, too wet to mow the lawn.
Going to bed, to lie down & listen to the radio at half three this morning required no lighting turning on.
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