The forecast here for yesterday was rain and thunderstorms with a 90% chance of 5-10mm of rain (a reasonable amount). We got that 10% of 00mm....
Today is forecast to be sunny. It is. So the washing is in the washing machine and will be on the line by 1pm. It will be dry by 2pm but I'll leave it a touch longer before getting it in.
My 3 new chooks arrive on Wednesday all being well. They are ex-rescue chooks so may lay the odd egg here and there, but probably won't. Chooks are a social bunch and really need more than 2 in a flock, hence getting some that won't lay eggs too often. But we are down to 3 eggs in the fridge today... and the layer expected to lay today has already lain, so we won't get anymore until tomorrow when we should get 2 more.... over to beans and tvp for protein today... a vegan day for a change.