The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I remain utterly unconvinced that Australia is a warm, hot, dry, arid country.



yeh.... what did I say/do that made you want me out of the UK?
On a different note. My chooks are now 5 in number (and they are not happy about the weather either)

My original 2...

and my new 3


They are here for a retirement (the new ones that is), the new ones and totally free-range over my 5 acres and given that there are no actual boundaries to stop them going further if they wanted to, as far as they like really! that in reality means my garden and veg plot mind you! One is 6 years old, the big black one. The 2 red/brown ones are 3 years old and my 2 , 18 months and 5-6 months. They can lay as and when they want to and I am not bothered about the shape of the egg or if it has wrinkles in the shell - this is often a reason for killing a bird - wrinkles or the fact that the egg is the wrong shape! Plus the newbie black one has deformed feet - another reason for slaughtering a perfectly good bird that can live to being 12 years old. The new 3 were all free to a good home via a friend of a friend of a friend....
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The past couple of days I have been getting a bit of a prickle to bake something and not sure why :scratchhead:
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