The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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You could tweak it a bit. Add some Guinness or dark ale perhaps? I've been thinking along those lines...
Classic has posted a very similar recipe to that already. I was thinking of something else, but that is tomorrow. today is a bank holiday and my OH is here and getting annoyed that I am on the computer, so time to quit and get dressed properly to go out and about. I think I am being taken to a garden centre. I have been avoiding it because I know how easy it is to spend lots of money in there and I will do, but I need outdoor gloves (yet again) mine have gone through again... some proper gardening gloves which adhere to the wrists (aussie thing to stop spiders etc dropping down into your gloves) and some wellies, proper wellies so that I can slide them on and off, but again they have to be tight fitting or my trousers go over the tops of them to stop things falling down inside them... and I expect I will come home with some plants for the garden. Currently I have a wonderful lavender in the sunroom - too cold for it to go out yet, at least here it is too cold, I'm at 800m altitude and very rural, no protection from frosts at all and we have had several this past week. And I have to get things that will survive chooks!
Enough talk of spiders! I have serious phobia where they are concerned. :ohmy: The idea of having to have 'cuffs' on gloves and boots to prevent them entering is making me quiver.
tbh, so far we have seen very few spiders here but any in the house are killed. Most outside don't live long if my chooks are around and I have only seen 3 or 4 of them outside as well. The really big ones the size of your hand that live in our area are harmless. It didn't stop my chook enjoying eating it. And I have to confess I am more concerned about the snakes than I am spiders at the moment. There are 2 deadly poisonous ones here - but both I understand won't kill you immediately, the same as the spiders. You should get enough chance to get medical help!

Ironically the worst of the local poisonous spiders are found in towns and cities rather than rurally because homes with air heating systems make ideal habitats for them and my friend has stated that she had a whole load come out of one the ducts in her home. She, like me, just uses the hoover to kill them. Here, we haven't seen any of that type which is the worst. My OH has seen one, but only in IKEA's car park ironically!
tbh, so far we have seen very few spiders here but any in the house are killed. Most outside don't live long if my chooks are around and I have only seen 3 or 4 of them outside as well. The really big ones the size of your hand that live in our area are harmless. It didn't stop my chook enjoying eating it. And I have to confess I am more concerned about the snakes than I am spiders at the moment. There are 2 deadly poisonous ones here - but both I understand won't kill you immediately, the same as the spiders. You should get enough chance to get medical help!

Ironically the worst of the local poisonous spiders are found in towns and cities rather than rurally because homes with air heating systems make ideal habitats for them and my friend has stated that she had a whole load come out of one the ducts in her home. She, like me, just uses the hoover to kill them. Here, we haven't seen any of that type which is the worst. My OH has seen one, but only in IKEA's car park ironically!
Horrible, horrible, horrible!:hyper:
Well, I have my gardening gloves, and some liners for my workmans gloves, so that is sorted. I didn't come home with wellies. Going to need to work on that one much harder, but I did come home with around £100 of plants for the garden which I won't be able to plant today because of the weather. We have high winds coming through with torrential rain, in between sunshine. There is the threat of thunderstorms this afternoon. The wind and rains are rather like squalls, the weather gets really bad for a very short period and before you know it, its been and gone. But it means that it isn't going to get warm or dry enough to get the washing done. So its a day of cooking instead. For those who knew Vernon, it is his Indian Potato Pie for tea tonight, with a couple of changes in that we don't have any filo pastry, so I'm making it traditional pie style with puff pastry (I'll precook the base) and will add a nice curry style sauce to it as well. I'm making it in a shallower but much bigger springform tin and will be much more generous with the spices because we rather like life spicy. It will be served with various greens and cauliflower covered with some more of the curry sauce and probably an egg or two to make sure there is enough protein in our daily diet. I didn't purchase enough tofu to marinate any and add it to the meal despite purchasing 2 large packets. 1 packet will get eaten with my lunch this week (it has already been opened and gets put on our sandwiches in the form of a thin slice along with other such delights and hummus, avocado and senap). The other packet of tofu is for some sausages I saw on Pinterest which took my interest. It will take a couple of days to make them, and after that point they get cooked a second time for serving... it will be interesting to see how it all works out. And I have the housework to do... Not yet having wellies means that mud and such fun of living rurally gets trodden into the house despite the various mats around the place. Even the internal mats get filthy and today is not a washing day... its a be blown away and soaked day... alternatively known as a wash and blow dry day in this house, only its more a blown dry and soaked day, the a sunshine patch and another blown dry cycle....

Anyhow, enough chat. I have some instructions to edit and make sure they are OK and an attachment to recreate for the CB recipe challenge thread which I accidentally deleted and can't get back... :cry:
You don't eat chicken!
I have to oil the legs of the live chooks every other day when the weather is dry and every day when it is wet.
2 of them came to me needing this treatment after being successfully treated for a red spider mite infection (they get up in between the scales on the chicken legs and live there causing scale issues).
As a precaution and to ensure that all the chooks are happy being handled, we are now doing all 5 of them!
So you have to pre-baste their legs.... :D :giggle:

Oh and we use an extra virgin olive oil spray. It is cheaper than Vaseline and gets into the problem areas better. Hence the pre-basted bit. :laugh:
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