The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I belong to a procrastinators group. Our first meeting was postponed...
That sounds like the apathy group....class was cancelled due to lack of interest.
Mainly art groups, but I think they are confined to certain hours by the local authority and like you to be there for the whole time. It's a bit academic now anyway. The charges have gone up so much locally that I can't afford to go anyway. Concessions for over 65s have gone out of the window. One of the groups I wanted to go to has gone up from £0 to over £600 a year and the free taster weeks now cost £43. £12 a week may not be much if you are working, but I could live for a week on that. There are plenty of courses that are completely free on the internet (OU etc) nowadays and you only have to pay for the certificates if you need the qualifications for your job. Suits me much better as I was always interested in those courses that had no provisions for people who just wanted to do them for fun. Plus of course there are no set hours, and you can log in at your leisure.
Beware courses though - my wife decided she wanted to study art - did a simple course then enrolled for a degree :ohmy: She triumphed and now has a BA in art and design but it took a lot of effort. Still if you want to do something - do it.
Beware courses though - my wife decided she wanted to study art - did a simple course then enrolled for a degree :ohmy: She triumphed and now has a BA in art and design but it took a lot of effort. Still if you want to do something - do it.
Why 'beware'? Maybe you are jesting....what you describe sounds like a real achievement and, presumably, something she enjoyed?
Why 'beware'? Maybe you are jesting....what you describe sounds like a real achievement and, presumably, something she enjoyed?
Yes and yes - she loved it but as she did her degree in Bradford [used to live only a few miles away in sunny [!!] Leeds] and for the last few months we had moved up to Durham it was a bit of a logistical nightmare. She now runs a craft class at the local day centre which she attends, for the elderly and disabled [she is disabled] - no money, just for the pleasure of it. She receives no support of course but then this is Britain, the old do not count
Just as a totally off topic out of the blue question - does anybody know a good [reasonably priced] publisher ? My novel is pretty much complete and I am searching for a way of getting it published.
Just as a totally off topic out of the blue question - does anybody know a good [reasonably priced] publisher ? My novel is pretty much complete and I am searching for a way of getting it published.
I didn't know you were a writer! Can I ask what type of novel it is (just interested)? You may find that publishers cater for certain kinds of writing.

I think this link might be a good contact for answering your query (or direct you to somewhere that can)
Just as a totally off topic out of the blue question - does anybody know a good [reasonably priced] publisher ? My novel is pretty much complete and I am searching for a way of getting it published.
Why not do it yourself? You can do Kobo and Amazon without a middleman. PM me if you want more information.
I know many authors that are self-published.
Or just google my name and follow the link to the forum I hang out at for all things ebook related.
A murmuration of of the great collective nouns. Our local starlings never really get beyond a mur.

Apropos of nothing, are spellcheckers not the most irritating things going? I was writing an article this afternoon and my spellchecker was quite happy with Herculaneum, but objected to Pompeii. Bizarre.
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