The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I see that your profile says you have just had a book published! Well done! Can I ask what it is about?

Thank you. Actually, I've had two published. One was an account of two years in Eritrea, where I worked as a volunteer. The second was a novel set in Edinburgh. It is, at least according to my publisher, humorous.
I'm good at spelling, but we all make typos, so I feel happier with the spelling check on. It catches the twisted finger errors.

Why would I want to spell Pompeii wrong, though?

To be honest I get rather annoyed when people make an issue about other peoples spelling, not everyone can spell, some people may be dyslexic and struggle with spelling and it is mean to pick on people over something as trivial as a misspelt word. I expect high standards from media etc because they are providing a service however on a chatty forum I don't see the issue. It is just unnecessary nit picking. Rant over.
Thank you. Actually, I've had two published. One was an account of two years in Eritrea, where I worked as a volunteer. The second was a novel set in Edinburgh. It is, at least according to my publisher, humorous.
That sounds interesting, e.g. on Eritrea (I see that you were a VSO volunteer). There are lots of questions I would like to ask on that but maybe I should read the book! Would you like to share the title and disclose your name or do so in PM? Failing which, overall, what was the experience like, e.g. highlights etc. (I have done lots of voluntary work for Oxfam but only in their shops).
I'm not sure it is an American spelling. I think this is the name of the modern city of Pompei. @MypinchofItaly will know for sure!

Oh, that's new for me...we only know and say ( or at least this is what I know) Pompei - one i - both for ancient and for modern city....if we want to specify the ancient we and "scavi di Pompei or only Ancient Pompei"...but now I'm too tired and I'm waiting for my return flight, maybe I could ask someone to the near gate headed to Naples :happy:...
To be honest I get rather annoyed when people make an issue about other peoples spelling, not everyone can spell, some people may be dyslexic and struggle with spelling and it is mean to pick on people over something as trivial as a misspelt word. I expect high standards from media etc because they are providing a service however on a chatty forum I don't see the issue. It is just unnecessary nit picking. Rant over.
The only people I get annoyed with on spelling is authors. I'm sorry, but if you want my hard earned money, you should at least know the difference between loose/lose and other similar words.
Now tip on that one. If your shorts are loose, you might lose them at a bad time.
Everyone else gets a pass on similar words.
Loose/lose is the most common error I see online.

Now as to predictive text, my phone wanted a butterfly not a shutterfly the other day.
I didn't know you were a writer! Can I ask what type of novel it is (just interested)? You may find that publishers cater for certain kinds of writing.

I think this link might be a good contact for answering your query (or direct you to somewhere that can)
It is a science fiction novel but aimed mainly at teenagers. I find there is still a gap between 'Enid Blyton' and 'War and Peace' [ok slight exaggeration] and many teenagers want characters they can identify with [like the later Harry Potter books]. That odd time in life when you are no longer a 'child' but not quite and 'adult'
I have actually tried the Amazon self publishing scheme but found it quite disappointing - a book [especially from an unknown author needs a little 'selling'. Something Amazon appear to have no interest in.
It is a science fiction novel but aimed mainly at teenagers. I find there is still a gap between 'Enid Blyton' and 'War and Peace' [ok slight exaggeration] and many teenagers want characters they can identify with [like the later Harry Potter books]. That odd time in life when you are no longer a 'child' but not quite and 'adult'
I have actually tried the Amazon self publishing scheme but found it quite disappointing - a book [especially from an unknown author needs a little 'selling'. Something Amazon appear to have no interest in.
Have you tried the link I gave?

Do you like Douglas Adams? I thought he filled the gap you mention (albeit in a comedy vein) but, alas, is no more.
I find the worst, when it comes to spelling, are those who rely on the spell check facility on their computer to do the job they're being paid to do.

Then blaming someone else for their inability to do the job. A computer doesn't need paying, will often come up against a word it confuses with another. That's why the human element is there.

They know they can't blame the computer, so they blame someone else. Usually whilst laughing at the person they've just tried blaming.
It is a science fiction novel but aimed mainly at teenagers. I find there is still a gap between 'Enid Blyton' and 'War and Peace' [ok slight exaggeration] and many teenagers want characters they can identify with [like the later Harry Potter books]. That odd time in life when you are no longer a 'child' but not quite and 'adult'
I have actually tried the Amazon self publishing scheme but found it quite disappointing - a book [especially from an unknown author needs a little 'selling'. Something Amazon appear to have no interest in.
Well now, I hate to depress you but most "publishers" that accept most books, will do nothing more than just upload it to the sites and take 10% or more from every sale you make.
They don't really do any marketing either. So read the fine print.

Oh and even with a great cover, great editing and everything else only about 1 in 1,000 actually make more than coffee money.
It is a science fiction novel but aimed mainly at teenagers. I find there is still a gap between 'Enid Blyton' and 'War and Peace' [ok slight exaggeration] and many teenagers want characters they can identify with [like the later Harry Potter books]. That odd time in life when you are no longer a 'child' but not quite and 'adult'
I have actually tried the Amazon self publishing scheme but found it quite disappointing - a book [especially from an unknown author needs a little 'selling'. Something Amazon appear to have no interest in.

Cannot help you but good luck :okay:
Well now, I hate to depress you but most "publishers" that accept most books, will do nothing more than just upload it to the sites and take 10% or more from every sale you make.
They don't really do any marketing either. So read the fine print.

Oh and even with a great cover, great editing and everything else only about 1 in 1,000 actually make more than coffee money.
Well money isn't everything, i.e. getting published = accessibility to the public - they get to read it!
Well money isn't everything, i.e. getting published = accessibility to the public - they get to read it!
That I understand. Your book does sound good. Do you mind if I ask you another question? What do you want from a publisher? If you decide to go with a small publisher, please take a look at some of their other books first. There are many publishers that are just out for a quick buck. If they ask for money in advance, there is a good chance they will spend 5 minutes clicking upload.
If they promise to put it on their website, there is a good chance no one will see it.

Oh and one other thing. Make sure they don't take all your rights to your characters.

Last thing: the small press, self-published readership is fairly small. Many people now look at the publisher before buying a book.
Not trying to be a downer but I have spent many hours with authors and have talked to a couple of publishers.
That I understand. Your book does sound good. Do you mind if I ask you another question? What do you want from a publisher? If you decide to go with a small publisher, please take a look at some of their other books first. There are many publishers that are just out for a quick buck. If they ask for money in advance, there is a good chance they will spend 5 minutes clicking upload.
If they promise to put it on their website, there is a good chance no one will see it.

Oh and one other thing. Make sure they don't take all your rights to your characters.

Last thing: the small press, self-published readership is fairly small. Many people now look at the publisher before buying a book.
Not trying to be a downer but I have spent many hours with authors and have talked to a couple of publishers.
It is sidevalve that is looking for a publisher.
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